With the addition of the CEA playlist and the bloomless DMR, I feel like the DMR will be a much more powerful and versatile weapon, some may say overpowered (halo 2 BR?) So, i would like to see the bloomless DMR have a slightly larger inner ring so that it is less usefull at longer ranges (halo 3 BR) I did some quick reticle references below, so vote which reticle you feel would be the most balanced in the now bloomless world. 50% (standard): 62.5% (of outer ring): 75%: 87.5%: 100% (outer ring of reticle): go, vote now!!!!
50% is the only logical one. Increasing the reticule size means the weapon is meant for close range. This is a DMR you're talking about, not a shotgun.
closer range. Right now you can easily shoot someone, in the head, with the DMR at long range (when the bloom is all the way down), and wait untill the bloom completely resets, but since the DMR will be bloomfree, it becomes extreemly powerfull, right
We shouldn't have to complain about these things. Keep everything the way it is. Even armor lock. Bloomless DMR means it's practically another power weapon.
Im well aware, thats why I created this thread. I feel the best way to nerf the DMR after it becomes bloomless is to decrease the RoF or increase the size of the reticle. The easiest would be increase the size of the reticle to bring it closer to the power of the halo 3 BR which was extreemly balanced.
The DMR with no bloom is what I see as a replacement for the CE Pistol, because I'm sure DMR with bloom, or an edited bloom, is staying in the other playlists. Anyone calling it OP inside the CE playlist hasn't ever played CE multiplayer.
I believe you just said that because there was something unbalanced in CE 10 years ago, and because we are playing on maps from CE, then there should be something unbalanced now, and that the DMR is filling that niche. The DMR without bloom will wreck this playlist IMO if it isnt nerfed somehow.
Your right, but all of your representations are too big, even 62.5%. Try 55% and maybe we'll have something reasonable.
It should stay at 50% with reduced RoF. Keeping the RoF it has no without bloom would make it too easy to own games with. At the moment I think it's at around 2 shots/second. If it were reduced to 1.5/second I think that would round it out a little better in addition to no bloom. Chances are everything else is receiving the no-bloom treatment, so not sure if reducing its RoF would be relevant, but its just what I think should be done in order to balance. No doubt 343 have tested this into the ground, so if they feel leaving it how it is results in better gameplay, then thats what is going to happen. Until people start bitching and moaning until they release another TU that changes everything around again. :\