Infection map pack (8 maps)

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by IxXROADKILLXxI V2, Aug 13, 2011.


    IxXROADKILLXxI V2 Forerunner

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    Infection map pack

    Ill try to keep it short, but there is a few things I want you to know. First off, a few of these maps have been posted before, however they have gone though some updating and revising to perfect the game play, and many are never before seen infection maps here on Forgehub. Two of these maps have been co forged with me, so I would like to jump right into who gets credit as well.

    Water Works:
    By Regrets Nothing and Silver0range

    Club Reach:
    By Regrets Nothing, mistatipsta, l33tmerkat, and KlutchSauce

    All of these guys deserve as much credit as I do with these maps.

    As for the rest of the maps, they were solo built by me.

    For the best experience, I recommend using the game type i provide, however you do not have to. All of these maps are strictly built for infection games excluding one. Many of these maps are large, so big party's is best.

    Water Plant


    Unfinished Ship (Back side)


    Underground Destress


    The Slip Spacer


    The Rig


    Club Reach
    (With working ladders)


    City of the Dead


    Cave Lab


    UNSC MAC Round


    And as for a treat, there is a really cool space ship map angled at 30 degrees for a really cool look(which is also my first map on reach). You can download it here.

    So from here, ill let you be the judge on what you think, and may I note that these maps are the most perfect they will get in terms of game play, which is excellent, so I feel confident that you will enjoy infection games on here.

    Also another note: Many of these maps include vent systems which I have forged in a way so that they are used for travel and not camping, so those should be really interesting to see with zombies hording those, and not humans.

    Thanks for your views, and please give me your thoughts!

    Is it OK for me to have the main download link go to my file set? many of these maps and 3 game types that can be played with are right there to download.

    Again, Thank You!

    #1 IxXROADKILLXxI V2, Aug 13, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2011
  2. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Very nice work. Not sure why it got ignored, it deserves a but more attention.

    Underground Destress: My favorite. Love the atmosphere and aesthetics. Equal access may be an issue on some of them, but overall good work.

    IxXROADKILLXxI V2 Forerunner

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    I very much thank you for that comment. I was waiting on some thoughts for some time now :)
  4. G0DLYP4ND4

    G0DLYP4ND4 Forerunner

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    All these maps have great aesthetics and are well made. Nuff said. As zop said, these maps should get more attention.
  5. a7x

    a7x Forerunner

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    Club reach got my attention, well not cause of the stripper pole, but the floor. I like the floor effect using the grid and ramp stunt. nice map pack though.
  6. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    i tried a few of the maps. they all seem to work well if you give the zombies dmr's and have the humans spawn with nothing but pistols and have them run to find weapons. water plant is fun, chalenging, colourful and works well with 16 people without any lag. put simply, ****ing amazing. unfinished ship is cool, i like the layout, the secret tunnel(s) are sweet but i expected the map to actualy see the half finished ship and not just a self inclosed space, at least a window. club reach is probably the coolest looking, i like the stripper spot dance floor hybrid. underground residence and the rig both have realy confusing layouts and its hard to tell where you are. the rest i have not played yet and i will soon.

    IxXROADKILLXxI V2 Forerunner

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    Besides the DMR suggestion (for the sake of keeping it traditional infection), its very good that you capture what I intended. I did not want all the maps to have one style of build, or one type of atmosphere.
  8. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looked around a few of them. I take back what I said about equal access, you've got it down.

    Very nice work.
  9. Sreyo

    Sreyo Forerunner

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    Good job, the detail is great. I love the water plant and the Underground distress map.

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