I know this is my first post and I will start with one of my favorite maps: "Freenest." I do not know why I put that name, just came to my mind. Weapons: Assault rifle x2 DMR x6 Frag granade x2 Magnum x2 Needler x2 Needler rifle x2 Plasma granade x2 Plasma pistol x2 Rocket launcher x1 Shotgun x1 Sniper rifle x2 Gametypes: Classic Assault Classic CTF Classic Slayer Team Swat Team Sniper Well here's a sample of my map as: Please use classic settings (no armor abilities! w/ or w/o Assassination)
I suggest removing the kill ball and replacing something more aesthetically pleasing, adding a kill ball will just screw up the framerate. By the way, judging from the pictures, theres barely any cover in the underground area, add in some L.O.S. breakers and you'll be good to go.
hello black master, i agree with sinless legend , remove the kill baal ( because in my opinion it looks ugly) you may also want to add more cover because it looks very empty also the walkways are very straight maybe you want to add more cover /relief/corners and turns remember this is just my opinion so you dont have to listen , but maybe it helps with the gameplay / asthetics also this was your first map /upload and everybody starts this way. so keep on forging and keep on learning
You spelt forging wrong, and by the way I think you should add more colors to the map, it will really make the map pop.