
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by X2Sora, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
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    My Forgings: Halo: Reach: Gunmetal - YouTube


    Gunmetal is a small symmetrical map primarily made for slayer based gametypes. Gunmetal's layout is a two layered square that is encompassed by a rectangle. Do not allow the map's simple layout deceive you, as there are several ways to traverse through the map. This is achieved through the addition of several tactical jumps, and by several I mean twenty (give or take a few). While twenty tactical jumps does sound overkill on a map of this size, there are only that many because the map is symmetrical as a result there are really only about eleven different tactical jumps. The map also houses a teleporter that takes you from the back of the map all the way to the front.

    Weapons List:
    4x DMR - 30 second, 2 spare clip
    2x Needle Rifle - 30 second, 2 spare clip
    1x Grenade Launcher - 180 second, 3 spare clip
    1x Spiker - 75 second, 0 spare clip (thank you for the suggestion frozen)
    2x Grenade - 60 second
    2x Plasma Grenade - 75 second

    2x Health Pack - 90 second

    The Pictures:

    Load out camera for non-team based games


    Load out camera for Blue (same for red team just a different color)


    Top-Mid (This is where the primary amount of fighting goes on)


    Bottom Mid (Epic last stands are made here quite often)


    Lift that takes you to top mid


    The main hallway, grenade launcher spawn.


    Blue hallway




    Receiver (the receiver is slanted so that people cannot stay in there)


    Another angle of where receiver leads to. Also clearly shows where grenade launcher spawns.


    Health pack spawn



    I first started forging Gunmetal around the same time that the 2v2 Throwdown competition was announced (the map making portion of it). Sadly I never released the map because it had several flaws. Seven versions later you get what you see. Believe it or not Gunmetal was (is?) heavily inspired by Construct. Originally having a mini-construct lift it was later taken out because it promoted too much camping.

    When I first started working on the map, I came to a sudden conclusion I loved tactical jumps along with cat and mouse gameplay. Both (in my opinion) went hand in hand just like peanut butter and jelly. Therefore I decided to add in tactical jumps. While some of the tactical jumps are blatantly obvious, some are not. As a result I have put some tactical jumps in the post. Not all of them because when playing on the map I want you to explore, and see which tactical jumps you like most and suit your style of play best.

    Tactical Jumps:

    Difficulty: Easy - This tactical jump leads to the upper level of blue/red hallway.


    Difficulty: Medium Easy - This tactical jump is usually followed up by the previous tactical jump. It leads to top mid. For this tactical jump I would recommend crouch jumping but it is not necessary.


    Difficulty: Medium Easy - This tactical jump also leads you up to blue/red hallway. Be conscious of this tactical jump because it can be used from than just one area.


    Difficulty: Easy - This tactical jump also leads up to blue/red hallway. Not much I can say about this tac jump other than don't forget about it (it can save your life).


    Difficulty: Medium - This tactical jump is my personal favorite, and can give you a plethora of options so keep your eyes peeled for more tactical jumps. This is pretty obvious but one example is to continue jumping to reach the opposite side.



    Well that pretty much concludes the map. I can provide an overview if you really need it, but it is kind of a terrible overview if you ask me. I look forward to constructive criticism and any feedback. If you wish to play on the map but have no one to play with, or if you just want an extra player feel free to invite me.(I can also help test your maps if you want) Thank you very much for reading and viewing, and don't forget to:

    #1 X2Sora, Aug 17, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  2. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Looks awesome, I like how you put tac jumps in th emap to prevent camping. But consider that people might camp by the receiver nodes, other than that epic map.
  3. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Yes the map is indeed epic :). In regards to people camping near teleporter it used to be a problem in the earlier versions simply because there was too much cover near teleporter. It is no longer a real problem though because there are two big checks to that problem. The first check is that even in a 1v1 before someone enters the teleporter they can actually see if a person is camping near teleporter and then respond accordingly. The second check is that top mid has a direct view to the receiver therefore people camping near receiver must deal with the people on top mid at the same time.
  4. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    This looks to be a pretty great map :) im also a fan of tactical jumps and im glad you found unique ways to put them into the design itself. I could honestly see how there could be quite a few epic last stands made throughout the middle sections of the map, as there isnt near as much cover as the base areas seem to provide.
    It honestly looks clean and neatly forged nothing seems forced, and I admire that after some of the recent maps I've seen posted, I would love to get some games on this with you GT: SilentRaine just send me a add :).
  5. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the compliment man. When I forge a map I always try my best to ensure it looks neat and clean. I just don't like it when maps looks cluttered and textures overlap as it looks messy. I will make sure to friend you so that we can get a game on this.
  6. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Hey Sora, are you an expert on spawning, if you are, can you help me with the spawning of my map?
  7. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    I wouldn't say I am an expert, but I do know how the spawn system works. If you want I can help you with your spawn set up, but I can't get on at the moment. When I can get online I will make sure to help you.
  8. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
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    Great map that you have built here. I remember playing on it with my friends when it was still in the Tester's Guild. I really liked the Tactical Jumps. You incorporated a lot of them and you made them feel quite natural. My favorite jump on the whole map is from the teleporter platform to the center platform with Sprint. It just feels awesome being able to make that jump. Thanks for creating a interesting 2v2 map for the community to play on.
  9. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Great to hear you liked the tactical jumps as they are, in my opinion what make the map. As for the tactical jump from receiver to top mid it is also one of my favorites sadly though I can't do the jump very often because my right analog stick is broken (or close to it). If you ever want to get a game on the map feel free to invite me.
  10. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    great looking and functioning map you got here. I was wondering if you had any budget left? from the looks of the pictures it appears you have used very little bridges and platforms(noted: corner 4x4 in pic #3, platform xxxl in pic #4 and the stairs turned on the side for a wall in pic #9 ) because the use of blocks as a floor brings this aesthetic appeal down a couple notches I would suggest tapping into this section. anyways this is just from your post.. its going to be a little while before I can play it but its downloaded and waiting for me at home : )
  11. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    I have around 2,200 budget left, and around 20-30 bridge pieces left. I will see what I can do with the remaining budget and bridges hopefully without ruining frame-rate in splitscreen. Thank you for the feedback it is appreciated.
  12. Explosium

    Explosium Forerunner

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    Hey man, I played a 3 man FFA on this map earlier and I just wanted to say, this is a great map. The shape and the flow of it work really nicely, I like any map that allows me to get away from a fight I don't think I can win. The grenade launcher was a nice touch, and we all got a couple of nice shots by bouncing round corners and off walls. I was going to suggest you place more cover near the teleporter exit, then I realised how stupid that would be and would just result in camping. It's a very open area, but it has to be.

    I've got a few questions; is there a reason why there's so few grenades, with such long spawning times? One of my friends is a plasma grenade enthusiast and he noted he would have like to have been able to throw something behind him when he was being chased round corners.
    Also, I found 90 seconds far too long to be waiting for a health kit. I got sniped with a DMR on at least two occasions while hanging around waiting for health to respawn like a nelly.

    There's a lot of ranged weapons (6?) and I only counted one assault weapon, the spiker. There's some nice tight corners in this map and I found myself holding the DMR and running into people who still had their spawn assault rifle a few times. The DMR did bugger all, and I wished I hadn't picked it up in the first place. Perhaps a couple more spikers or a plasma rifle might fit? There's just not enough long sight-lines for the DMR to be a real advantage and I just wanted something that would fire faster.
  13. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Yeah it is a real shame that I can't place more cover near receiver without people camping there, as for the high spawn time with the grenades I can bump the spawn time down. Originally I had the grenades paired, but it promoted too much grenade spam at bottom mid, but I will bump the spawn time down fifteen seconds. With health pack I will actually take your advice on that and bump the spawn time down to a minute, and add a few more assault weapons probably plasma rifles so that the spiker still acts as a power weapon. Thank you for the feedback and comments it is appreciated.
  14. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    Very cool lift designs. I really like all the tactical jumps. The teleporter is nice because there isnt a way to camp it. But one thing with sheild doors and teleporters, they can be kind of annoying, in my case, durring actual gameplay. But ya know I havent actually played a real game on it.
  15. Bogonthebored

    Bogonthebored Forerunner

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    I really like the idea of tactical jumps! Thanks to this, my next map will definitely have these.

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