Check out the new version. Espionage A military instillation with a ventilation infestation NOTICE: Version 2 has been made on sandbox and is up on my fileshare. I am yet to post this reimagining of this old map but here is the link. Map Variant Suggested Game Variant Description: An elbow shaped structure, with three main areas the elbow (Territory 2), the storage room (Territory 3), and Central (Territory 1). From the "exterior" (whole map is technically confined) there are three main entrances into the facility, all through some form of a ventilation system. Territory 1 + 3 can be accessed through the main vents, by jumping on the dumpster than into the open vent. Territory 2 can be accessed directly through the tele behind the pallet and then by falling through the drop down at the end of the walkway. Each side to the map (Attackers {spies} and Defenders {Guards}) has it's own unique gameplay style. The Spy side consists of equipment and grenades, where as the Guard side consists of weaponry, which makes for a unique experience each round. The game is best played with a territories game type, and mine "Intel Grab" has proven to work well. Here are the new layout pics to help those that like to know the flow of a map. Overview 3rd Floor 2nd Floor 1st Floor
this map doesn't meet forgehub standards. please embedd your pics. it is a rule. try using photobucket. I find that that works the best
embed the pictures and read the rules before you post EDIT:When i clicked send* or the submit* button sharpshooters comment was not there, i did not mean to spam And please NOBODY ELSE TELL HIM TO EMBED
wow, you got a great map here. just embed the pics and i bet you get at least a 4 star. it is beautifully put together, from what i saw.... gunna DL. bueno.
Sounds really fun and thanks for adding the one pic but that is just it one pic. can you add anymore so we can really see what it looks like and get a feel for the map?
This link will help BTW if you need to embed pics: scroll to the bottom of the page.
Well, I see a mass of comments telling you to embed pictures, and it looks like you did just that. Ok, personally, I like to see details of a map, and the map overview. You could have a great map, but all your pictures show are rooms, corners, and hallways. Make sense? If for whatever reason, you're unable to give a full shot of the map (stupid soft ceiling!), then at least give some way for us to see the shape of the entire map, ya know. Other than that, the merging looks great, and it looks like you definitely put some work into it.
Very nice interlocking and neatness, I really like the way you constructed those tunnels, looks flawless. I can't really get a grasp for the size of the map by the pics (because it's enclosed), but I'm guessing that it's pretty small. I don't know if the rockets work for such a small enclosed map, maybe you'd want to change them for a brute shot or something. Also, those few open single boxes would look neater if merged a bit into the map, but not a big deal. Anyway, nice map by the looks of it. 8.5/10 (would be a 9 if there was a better overview)
well, i guess i could go and delete all the ceilings in forge and take a pic, but the vents kinda are separate so they can't be seen to well, but I'll try
rocks have 2 bullets and 180sec respawn so they really only give you a single guaranteed kill, as well the long hallways make it ideal as a power weapon.
Don't worry. I'm currently having the same issue with one of my favorite maps my friend and I have made. I want to post it SO bad, but I'm trying to figure out how to work out pictures first. So far, deleting enough of the ceiling to get out and show the shape of the map seems sufficient. Also, you might want to put something in the OP stating that there is a ceiling, at least until you can get those pics. I didn't know there was a ceiling until you said something, which makes the whole picture thing a lot more understandable. I'll keep checkin' on this to see if you get those pics up, bro.
Alright this can at least give people an idea for the scale of the map and a general layout. I may make something in paint to show a scaled version of the layout. but uploading the pics to photobucket now
Don't triple post. Hopefully people won't jump on your back cause you're a new member, but I guarantee someone else will come and post the same thing. Just edit your original post with the new pics when they're up.
My bad about the reposts didnt know that was frowned apon guess i should of perused all the rules... P.S. I have removed my forged layout pics and will be uploading some ones i made in paint for those who care