Bloomless DMR :D

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Overdoziz, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    You say bloom isn't the same as spread (which he never said it was) but then say that having no bloom means little or no spread, wha? Halo 3 had no bloom, but had spread on the BR, quite noticeable spread in fact. Same with the Carbine, so I don't see your reasoning at all there.

    I'm personally guessing (and hoping) that there's no spread at all. I don't mind limiting range, it's just the randomness which irks me. If you do the exact same thing twice, it should have the same result. Adding chance isn't adding a level of skill or even decision making to the game, because the thing that it's trying to prevent (ie. extreme ranged use of basic precision weaponary) still works some of the time, often to the point where it's still worth trying it, but that just brings a dice roll in to these situations rather than forcing you to adapt to another strategy.
  2. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    First of all, no gun except for the Sniper Rifle, Focus Rifle, and Spartan Laser have no spread. Secondly, I pretty much just outlined that there will be spread regardless of whether you're at the smallest possible expansion level or not. Why are you repeating this to me like I don't know it?

    Regardless, get a second controller, load up Forge with no shields and place a spawn point where Beach Sides Teleporter is on Hemorrhage. Make a platform where the base would be at the opposite side of the map. Shoot at your second players with the DMR using only, ONLY the lowest level bloom state. You will not get a consistent headshot every time, meaning that this is roughly the maximum effective range for the DMR while crouching with a stationary target with spread. I tested the Pistol in the same way but used the Coliseum instead and found that its max range was around the length of the Coliseum entrance to the back wall. Out of the three guns, the Pistol has the biggest default reticule (bigger than the Assault Rifles) but it makes up for this with the fastest ROF, meaning at close to mid range, the Pistol has an edge over the DMR and Needle Rifle. At distances beyond that, you might as well not even bother.

    For comparison of the DMR and Needle Rifle, I tested them both at the same distance from base to teleporter trying to see how many headshots I can get with one magazine for each. I got 11 headshots out of 21 rounds with the Needle Rifle and 5 headshots out of 15 rounds with the DMR. I then did the same test from base to base with both weapons. The Needle Rifle scored 6 headshots out of 21 rounds while the DMR scored 2 headshots out of 15 rounds. Now bear in mind this is on a stationary target. If it was a person strafing, you'd miss a lot more shots, cutting down the effective range even more.

    As for which one is better? I'd say the Needle Rifle will win out the DMR in a long range fight any day because at that range, it doesn't matter how powerful your gun is as long as you land more shots and have a higher magazine. Not to mention three needles on an unshielded opponent regardless of who its from will kill you and the Needle Rifles 21 round magazine gives it an edge over the DMR as well as being automatic so you can focus on aiming more. At mid range? I'd say its a toss up, but the DMR would probably have an edge because of its power.

    I already said before that this would effect BTB the most, and it most definitely will. It gives you a clearer idea for your limits on range than with bloom and keep each gun in its effective range more. While it isn't as noticeable as I initially expected, I haven't tested it on a moving target so I can't really say whether it's a huge deal or not. However, 4v4 gameplay on medium sized maps will barely notice it, or even at all.

    It will only be noticeable in BTB on maps roughly the size of Hemorrhage. Other than that, you'll only have a dice roll with the Pistol for maps the size of the Coliseum. Either way, smarter players would rather not take thee chance at the ranges you cant hit and conserve ammo and not waste time getting one or two hits followed by a reload that can get you killed. It'll only really be viable as a suppression tactic as it only serves as a warning for the victim to make a run for cover.
    #42 Scobra, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  3. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    If your one shot away from dropping his shields and then he melees you DON'T! melee back at the same time get hit by the melee first and while been melee'd shot him once more then melee and you will kill him and you will come away from that fight full health on even ground for next fight.

    Exactly now you know what you can and can't do and know when to melee or run or fight giving someone who is clam has knowledge about gameplay mechanics and timing will have the advantage with bleed though it will be just add more randomness and luck. It wont work the same as Halo 3 if thats what people are wanting because the melee's are faster and sprinting etc. Double melees will probably win in the same situations they do now.

    I didn't see a grenade but if a grenade hit him which made him lose charge and the time holding down armorlock losing shield and he was meleed which made him lose charge and he let go of RB which EMP'd which made him lose charge, I would of thought he would of lost a lot more charge.

    If your taking away bloom you gotta do it properly and take away all recoil/bullet spread/bloom so where you shoot is where it hits 100% of the time.

    At range you won't be able to aim as well so no need to physically limit the weapons range.
    #43 WWWilliam, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  4. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I think it was the melee that made it lose charge personally. Maybe it was the grenade, maybe it was both? Who knows. Though I can say that I would HOPE ITS BOTH BECAUSE DAMN.

    Actually, make melees damage you through Armor Lock, but explosives just take away energy for it and ill be good to go.
  5. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Sorry to say I doubt that will happen because he had red health no shields got melee'd and didn't die.

    Plus I wouldn't get to use my playing possum technique.
  6. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    after looking at the video AGAIN, there is no bloom. the only time it gets larger is when the player reloaded.
  7. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Actually there is bloom on the AR.
  8. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Nope, that was spread.

    Edit: After reviewing, I'm not entirely certain whether the AR's bloom was altered.
    #48 Shanon, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  9. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    I honestly like the bloom, but I acknowledge the problems it brings. My personal fix for it would have been increasing the reticule bloom for each shot fired and countering that with an increase in bloom reset speed. This would widen the skill gap by making spammers have trouble hitting jack-****, while someone who paces would be able to destroy.
  10. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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  11. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
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    I really wished they didnt change the maps from their original state with the CE guns, DMR will ruin timberland IMO. Anything long range is gonna take the fun out of timberland. And i feel like timberland had fog in Custom Edition.
  12. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Wait, what? CE had a 3sk Pistol with an incredible RoF and perfect accuracy at any range as long as you tapped the trigger instead of holding it. How is a DMR which isn't even as powerful going to 'ruin' the map?
    #52 Pegasi, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  13. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    Thank GOD they fixed melee bleed, that was the single most idiotic thing I've ever seen in a game.

    It takes away the meta game of close range when you nullify all damage done up to the melee.

    Hopefully the bleed carries into the weapons, it looks like shields broke at 4 shots with the DMR, which I would be fine with a 4sK(3sK would be much, MUCH too powerful with all the compensation for internet lag in anything above 2v2).

    I knew Frankie wouldn't let me down.
  14. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Shields break at 4 shots as it is with the DMR, in fact, I don't think weapons ever had bleed :/
  15. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    I should have clarrified, it looks like the first kill with the DMR, after the 4-shots the Spartan "reacts" as if his health has taken damage.

    All previous Halos had weapon damage bleed, which is why after a certain point in the shields, a single headshot would kill, with Reach the shields have to be entirely eliminated for the kill to count(Ergo, if my nade leaves you with a centimeter of shields, it will STILL take me 2 shots).
  16. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I apologise for not getting my point across the way I meant it to come across. Firstly, Ill say it was very late and I was quite tired. Secondly, I was agreeing with him and using the section quoted as an example for clarification, but it obviously didn't come out that way as I was tired and didn't bother re-reading what I had said. Thirdly, I was trying to get the point across that everything, except the weapons Scobra mentioned above, have spread regardless of their level of bloom. I will be more clear in future posts, sorry for the confusion, fellas. *facepalms self*

    Oh, and "=/=" means equal to or the same as, doesn't it? Forgive my noobiness on that too if I have used it incorrectly.
    That was just me having a jab at the fact that the reticule still expanded whilst the reload animation was happening. ;)
  17. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    WTF are you talking about? Laser does plenty of damage, regularly. The ammo works differently than halo 3 but thats about it. I've lasered a vehicle- and been lasered while driving- many many times in reach.

    And unless you are locking on to a flying vehicle, IMO Fuel Rod > rocket launcher
    #57 IH8YourGamerTag, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  18. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ah, that makes much more sense. Actually, I wouldn't mind if weapon damage remained the same, but I would prefer weapon bleed. Although, I do like how easy it is to determine when someone is 1-shot in Reach, with either a melee or headshot. However, I liked H3 quite a bit more, so I wouldn't miss the Reach system if it did get altered.

    The Spartan Laser does significantly less damage in Reach. Its size is reduced, forcing you to be more accurate on spartans especially, and there are fewer frames of damage than there were in Halo 3. Plus the ammo got reduced. It sucks in comparison.
    #58 Rorak Kuroda, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  19. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    He's talking about when the laser is used against enemy infantry.
  20. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    It's chat speak for not equal to. As the not equal to symbol can't be made with some some keyboards.

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