I know that this probably belongs in Asthetic but it plays so well I have included it here. Welcome to SUM0’s CUBE. This is a remake of the first map I made in Foundry when the Heroic map pack was released. Now that I have learned to interlock I figured this was worth rebuilding and sharing with you lot J FRONT VIEW As you can see it is a great big box in the middle of an empty warehouse. Teams start in the back corridors with access to a very well equipped armory. There is no cover outside of the cube so each round tends to begin with a mad rush to get weapons and then gain access to this bad boy. There are three ways in, the front of my cube has six openings on various floors so you can use a grav lift to get into these, you can use the man cannon to get straight into the top floor, or you can just grab a hog and drive up the ramp. RAMP ENTRY Once inside you can go up and down floors by using the fence boxes and a bit of crouch jumping, but there is also a shaft at the front that can be used to either drop from the top floor down to the ground floor, or man cannon back up to the top. I have used many fence walls in the sides and floors so there is an awesome line of sight through the cube from all angles. For example each floor has a fence wall floor in the centre so when you are on the top floor you can shoot all the way down to the ground floor, still covering the two entry ramps. Below is a screen shot of each floor. GROUND FLOOR 1ST FLOOR 2ND FLOOR TOP FLOOR This map has been set up for Slayer, Oddball, KOTH and Infection. With slayer it turns into a “Tower Of Power†game, or perhaps “Cube Of Power†J. For Oddball its more about camping and getting your team to control a floor to protect the ball. For KOTH I have placed six hills on various floors so you end up having players constantly moving up and down through the cube. Infection games are a little different. Firstly the cube is closed up, you spawn inside and there is no way out. Humans spawn on the ground floor and zombies on the top. The way up for the humans is to crouch jump off barriers inside upturned fence boxes, but for the first little while there is no barrier, the humans are trapped down there giving the alpha zombie the advantage. Once the barrier spawns the humans will find they can only go one more floor up until the next barriers spawn and so on. Although the only weapon outside of the armory is a rocket launcher, finding ammo is not an issue as the players bring all the weapons you could ever need straight inside the cube. This is one of my best maps, I have put loads of effort into making sure it plays right so I hope that you enjoy it. Please give it a chance as it is heaps of fun with lots of players, if you like it and deem it worthy then rate and comment. Cheers Below is the link to my cube. http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=34608289
this looks great it might be fun for in the shadow's i will defiantly have to download this and check it out
The stairs take you up to the first floor, once inside all other movement up and down is by couch jumping off barriers inside fence boxes to get up or using the internal man cannon. Its tricky to explain clearly but once inside you will see what i mean straight away.
Dynamic multilevel gameplay. That's what this map has that makes it better than 50% of the other competitive maps out there. The well-thought-out and intricate structure of the cube's interior are big pluses to the appeal, but weapon placement will need to be more generalized, and I think gameplay would benefit from starting spawns inside the structure. Just spread out some "starting points" evenly on each floor and turn off radars to create a really challenging game of hide-and-go-shoot.
I origionally had internal spawns but it made it too hard to control a floor when players just popped up out of nowhere, even with the spawns in the rear corridors it only takes about 5 to 10 seconds to get back in there. The weapon placement was more a "running out of money" kind of thing, oh i forgot there is a lazer on the top floor next to the lift shaft. Cheers for the imput though.
i love how the design is simple, but its really complicated at the same time as soon as my xbox is fixed im dling
Awesome! A giant cube! This is an incredibly unique idea. Like what The SEEJ said, a cube is a very simple shape but it seems really complex. I have seen one cube before, but it's still a really unique idea because it's such a simple and obvious thing that no one would think of it! It also looks extremely neat. Great map, great idea, great job!
i made something like this, ofcourse it was a long time ago, and i had no idea how to interlock, so it sucked big time. ill dl.
This map looks really polished, I agree with you that it could easily be posted in aesthetic but I think you made the right choice putting it here as it looks like it plays very well for slayer and infection sounds cool as well. Have it queued now and am looking forward to having a walkaround. Nice one.
reminds me of borg cube, but this is soo much better, the other one was kinda *shippy* and wasn't layed out at all, this one is a very good improvment 4.5/5
Yeah i was worried i was going to get flamed for stealing the Borg Cube idea, it was just a case of unfortunate timing both of us posting up within a week of each other. Cheers for all the positive feedback guys.