I never liked Anime/Photo hybrids, but you did a great job with this one. The whole image seems a little desaturated, though not annoyingly so. And I must say, I love the columns. They add a lot of emotion and atmosphere that would've otherwise been absent.
They happen to be from a favorite one, so I couldn't help that fact but also that they worked rather well with what I had so. Appreciate the cnc .
ikaros naked sora no otoshimono watanabe yoshihiro wings Hopelessness by ~Oath--Keeper on deviantART http://th06.deviantart.net/fs14/PRE/i/2007/050/9/4/Pillars_by_verticoastro.jpg http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/112/e/e/ee94e0bb362434f43741190ccdf41ae9.jpg Others would be my own clouds and landscape stocks from years ago.