Hello All, its me KiLLiN iT NATE. Its been awhile since i have posted a map on here. I have about ten 98% complete maps on my HD I just never finish -or- never end up uploading to Forgehub for all. So I thought i'd try and get back into it... so i am here today to preview a map called.. Backstory// This map was inspired by the late "Elongation" map. I tried to use similar layout choke points that elongation had, but make them my own. So I went with a V-shape map. Still keeping the classic hallway feel and close quarter combat fights... Gametypes// This is a smaller map perfect for 2v2 - 4v4 I am planning on having all major gametypes supported SLAYER CTF HILL ODDBALL ..and maybe more Weapons// BR -------------- 4x Carbin -----------2x ROCKS - 0clip ----1x (most likey will be replacing with Grenade Launcher) Snipe - 0clip -----1x Shotys - 0clip --- 2x (in spawn bases//like elongation had) Nades -----------2x Sticks -----------2x Images// center-mid view from rocks//which like i said will most likely be replaced by the Grenade Launcher bottom center-mid callout//CENTER FLOOR callout//BLUE HALL overview of Blue-base inside blue-base. *note - the ramp in the lower right corner leads to a very small basement (2x2 block deep) where the respective team spawns. Also the flag is placed at the landing of the ramp callout//BOTTOM PURPLE -or- JAIL. This is just a see through wall (to help slow down the enemy if they are walking away with your flag...without that pass trough the bases would be to close and falg-caps would be too fast) To get to the otherside head up the ramp to the garden callout//GARDEN -or- TOP-PURPLE callout//TOP GREEN -or- SNIPE. head straight to get to the garden or try and defend off the enemies. callout//THE SLIDE. there is a lift at bottom-mid that will push you up and connect you to the slide so you can cross to the sniper. This map is ready to be tested. Who wants in? thanks for looking and keep and eye out for my next maps coming out. Maybe I should just release a Map Pack :/
This looks pretty interesting, I would not mind getting a game on this. I love how interesting each room looks, especially the garden room. Add me on XBL if you need some testers.(availablemoth)
You can add me, too. This map looks really interesting. A nice break from all the maps that are simply for looks. My gamertag is xX I3ush Xx.
whoa. so i lied. i am too busy for this again. CRAP! Thank you all for the replys i will try to send out some invites soon! I will keep you posted. You can add me if you want : KiLLiN iT NAT3 :add a message saying you're from FH so i dont delete it and i will get this gathering going....