Description: Subterran is located in the cave running between the island and canyon in forge world. The map is symmetrical, or at least as symmetrical as possible. The terrain consists of three structures and lots of rocks. The three structures are red base, blue base, and a raised central bridge. The rocks are all stalactites (the ones on the ceiling), and stalagmites (the ones on the ground). The stalactites make the map seem more cave like and are great for bouncing grenades over cover onto unsuspecting enemies. While I put 8 as the max players, the map has enough spawns to support 16, it's just not recommended. Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer Weapons: Assault Rifle x2 DMR x2 Frag Grenade x4 Needler x2 Plasma Grenade x4 Plasma Pistol x2 Plasma Repeater x2 Rocket Launcher x1 Shotgun x2 Note: These are screenshots from v3.3 (current v4.0). Just switch the bases and that's the only difference. Red base, hence the big red stripes and big red light. Blue base, is it just me or does it look just like red base but in blue? That central bridge structure I mentioned, it's the focal point of a lot of fighting and houses the main power weapon, the rocket launcher! It's only got two rockets so you can't dominated the map with it, but since the map is small it's extremely powerful. Change Log: V4.0 -final version -red base is at the west (higher) end of the map, blue base is at the east (lower) end of the map V3.3 -found what was causing the spawn issues, there was a weak respawn zone over red base that was set to neutral. Fixed it, now it's set to red team V3.2 -added another anti-spawn zone to each base, hopefully fixing those irritating spawns -moved the rocks that let you jump to the center platform, now they're to the left if you face away from a base -you can now go through the central structure left, right, and center, thanks to the rocks I mentioned -moved the receiver teleporters so the rocks don't block them V3.1 -put the teleporter back, now they leave the bases and exit near the center -shotgun now has 0 spare clips and a 90 sec respawn time -lights over the base teleporters corresponding to the bases colour (i.e. red light at red base, blue light at blue base) -added rocks that can be jumped on to get on the center platform -added respawn zones of various types to hopefully fix the spawning issues -added 2 fusion coils to the center structure to make it less campable and desirable place to be -removed a camping spot beside where red teleporter exits -teleporters now exit facing the side, not the base you just left -considering removing or replacing the teleporters with man canons v3.0 -there was a 2.1 update, I just didn't post it -fixed the frag grenades; they used to spawn and roll away -shotgun respawn time increased to 60 sec from 30 -needler respawn time increased to 45 sec from 30 -added cover to the central structure -added fusion coils to the central structure to discourage camping at the ramp -removed the concussion rifles and magnums; the concussions were over kill -moved the rock wall by red base, now you can't get in red base from the side and the empty side area isn't there any more -added rocks to fill a gap beside the central structure -added small railings to be used as lights; I know they can cause lag, but they add aesthetics to the map -moved the plasma repeaters to the other side if the walls -removed all z-fighting! (what little there was...)
I like the simple design! This looks like a great map for 2 v 2. Only problems I have with it are the weapons. The map is pretty tiny and you have way too many weapons on the map. I think you should get rid of the shotguns because one could just sit back in the base with it. The rockets and concussion rifles are a good fit for it though. Great map overall though, it has a great atmosphere. 6/10
I would suggest adding more cover to the center structure. It seems that the top would be more of a no man's land but that's just my opinion. For a small map like this I would probably limit the various weapons to 3-5 different kinds ( something like this: dmr, ar, rockets, shotgun, needler). Right now there are definitely too many power weapons for the size. The overall idea is nice, I have seen quite a few maps made in the same area but I could not get a good feel for them so I'm glad you kept it simple. You might want to make more of a unique structure for the middle since it looks like you have plenty of budget left. Not a bad first post. Welcome to Forgehub!
Your idea about the cover on the central structure is unique, I've never had someone mention that before. The reason for the extra power weapons is that the people who playtested it said that there weren't enough power weapons, though maybe the concussion rifles were a bit overkill. I may change the central structure, your the first one to mention it specifically and the other group did say it seemed kind of bland, a more unique central structure would be nice. And thanks for the welcome, I'm glad to be here. I have never actually had the experience of somebody camping in the bases with a shotty, they only have one spare clip so they don't last long, while the default AR is quite effective against it when outside a structure.
Although I do like your idea of the map, there are some problems. Your weapon choices are way to spaced out, you should keep it simple, for a CQC map like this, your choices should be the; DMR AR Shotgun Needle Rifle Due to the overall design of the map, the rockets can be used for instant spawn-killing in bigger group battles. Also, you should replace the Rocket Launcher with the Shotgun. The shotgun is one of (if not THE) power weapon(s) on any map. Many people will risk their lives for the shotgun, while others will simply quit when they begin to get "spawn-raped" with the Rocket Launcher. Other than that, the design is simple and easy to follow. My only other suggestion is that you should keep the map symmetrical; the middle choke-hold is uneven, and put some explosives in there to prevent camping .
You people here are the only ones who have said there are too many weapons. I still think 4 different weapons isn't enough. People from the original playtest said there weren't enough power weapons so I changed the GL to a RL and added concussion rifles. I'm already going to revise the central structure due to feedback from other sources. I have yet to experience camping or spawn-raping with the RL, it takes so long to respawn (2-3min I think) and has such few rockets (2) that you can't dominate the map with it. The explosives are a neat idea that never occurred to me. If you mean it's uneven as in the bridge is sloped, then yes, it's uneven because the slope of the ceiling and ground forced me to make one higher than the other so players could get into it. As I said earlier, I plan on scrapping the central bridge and making something else.
Alright, I finally got around to updating this thread! The map is now complete and I won't be changing it anymore, but feel free to continue discussion; we can all see how much of a hot topic this is... Keep an eye out for some of my other awesome creations, which I plan on posting here soon!