
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SouthSideH1tman, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. SouthSideH1tman

    SouthSideH1tman Forerunner

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    Recently i have been working on my first asymmetrical map. I have forged a couple good symmetrical maps previously but have never tried an asymm. I chose to forge this map on tempest because it fit my background and atmosphere i was building towards. However, because of the smaller budget ($7500) on tempest, i am unable to add as much decorative elements as i want to. I began building an exact replica on forge world. The photos below represent the finished project on tempest and is structurally complete. Ive already began building the copy on forge world and it will match the installation on tempest completely and will have more decorative objects to it. The map sort of reminds me of a mix between orbital and a little bit of citadel aesthetics. My unfamiliarity has left me at a bit of a bind. I am not very sure where to place spawn points for asymm maps can someone who is skilled in small asymm maps please comment below for any help. Thank you for your time if you even read this (;

    This map will ultimately focus on 2v2 games but i have been told it looks like it can support up to 4v4 (Will support all standard gametypes except for invasion and race). ​

    "This facility once shielded its inhabitants from the severe weather outside. Now all it protects is dust and debris."








    Please let me know what you think about the map so far. Constructive criticism is appreciated​
  2. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks pretty decent so far and I especially like the tunnel entrance in the 2nd to last picture, looks very authentic. However, the 1x1 tall and thin columns in the main room seem a little lazy in terms of design and I think you could do better. Give it a bit more thought and create a structure that looks authentic rather than placing items there purely to break the LoS's. Overall looks very promising though, shame I don't have tempest to try it out.

    edit: Just read all of your post rather than just looking at the pictures, I look forward to seeing the forgeworld copy!
    #2 oh knarly, Aug 12, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2011
  3. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    the lighting on tempest is just so much better.
  4. I3ush

    I3ush Forerunner

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    This looks like a cool design, but the features seem kind of thrown together. You should try and focus more on the individual areas to try and give them each their own theme and creative focus. Right now, it just looks like a bunch of blocks. :/

    EDIT: Actually, the first picture looks great. Don't change that. :)
    #4 I3ush, Aug 12, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2011
  5. SouthSideH1tman

    SouthSideH1tman Forerunner

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    the full budget on tempest is $7500 once youve searched through every nook and cranny for that last object. The 1x1 tall and thin blocks suited the atmosphere very well and i was going to add more decorative elements. Unfortunately, the budget on tempest is too small to do something like that so as i said in the description i have been making a replica on forgeworld so i can have more decorative leeway. Each area of the map will have more decoration once i have finished the structure.
  6. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    Its really nice to see someone with similiar design tastes as myself, It seems like a very clean and neatly designed map. While the 1x1 thin & talls can be considered a bit bland at times, they can be used to create a interesting structure that provides more sufficient cover around the garden area. Say a small building with similiarities to the center of warlock, and foundation respectively with your own take on the design.
    I think you have done a great job so far on it and would like to say keep on working and I cant wait to see your forge world version ;). Hit me up sometime if you need help testing or such GT: SilentRaine.
  7. SouthSideH1tman

    SouthSideH1tman Forerunner

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    i completely agree with you. while 1x1 tall and thins are being used so much now, that doesnt change the fact that they create a more appealing structure and also give the players more room to move around. ive always thought its the little things which is exactly why ive only added a few decorative objects to the 1x1 tall and thins. ohh and thanks, once ive finished weapons and spawn placement, ill make sure your one of the first testers to take part!
  8. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I really appreciate that :), and agree with you I do think once you move the map itself over to forgeworld youll have more time to add little aesthetics to perfect ur overall concept. I honestly prefer gameplay over a maps looks, but im sure its because I see alot of people try to hard to push unneccessary aesthetics in that seem to ruin the gameplay in the long run.
    Overtime you learn what forge style best suits you and while you can change it up at times the important thing is you enjoy coming up with new idea's, having fun and adding to your old ones.
  9. SouthSideH1tman

    SouthSideH1tman Forerunner

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    yes, it has now been rebuilt for a 3rd time to see how i can better conserve pieces and budget. with the i have been able to rebuild the entire copy from tempest with 6500 dollars! almost 1000 less than the amount it took to build the one in tempest. i hope testing can begin within the next 2 weeks after ive went through the spawns, new decorations, and weapon placement.

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