come on guys why havent anyone mention GRFS? Ghost Recon Future Soldier E3 2011 Trailer [HD] - YouTube Tom Clancy's - Ghost Recon Future Soldier Kinect Gameplay! - YouTube you shoot your gun like how gohan shoots puny energy blasts
New Battlefield 3 multiplayer footage just shown live at Gamescom. BF3 GamesCom Caspian Border Gameplay - EA
I think this trailer pretty much guarantees what you are getting. Battlefield 3 Caspian Trailer Reaction - YouTube
My breakdown: It seems as though the game got more realistic, because even in vehicles you have an ammo count for the Helicopters and the Tanks, maybe you have to return to a vehicle depot to refill ammo? That'd be ****ing epic, and it'd put more tactical ability and more realism to the game. Maybe that was Hardcore footage we were looking at?
Vehicles have always required ammunition in Battlefield, infinite vehicle ammunition was only introduced in the Bad Companies.
Here's the full conference from Gamescom, including the co-op preview. Battlefield 3: Co-op Multiplayer Gameplay Trailer Gamescom - YouTube
I would play any BF game over CoD because of the atmosphere Dice puts in their games. Just yesterday, I was playing BFBC2 with the volume cranked up, and all you could hear were gunshots, explosions, and characters yelling at one another. It felt like a warzone (assumption as I have never actually been in a warzone). Playing CoD feels like you are playing a video game against kids that are randomly sprinting around a map or camping in a house. There's no atmosphere at all. The graphics and sound of Battlefield games make them FEEL so much better than any CoD game I've ever played, and that's why my vote goes for BF3.
well if this game is as popular as people are hyping it up as then those kids are going to be playing the same game you are...have fun
HAHAHA has anyone seen the poll results? 54 to 6 for BF3. Trololol Im glad this website has good taste.
Dinner has more votes than MW3..****ing lol. Doesn't mean MW3 is going to be a bad game. I'm pretty excited about both it and BF3.
The one thing I do think Call of Duty does better is differentiating the guns from one another. I've noticed in Battlefield all the guns have the same feel as each other, or even sound the same; whereas Cod thats not so much the case. But I mean, if Cod didn't differentiate guns well then the game wouldn't work, it's probably the biggest factor. I think thats the only thing Call of Duty really does better all.
I agree, the guns in Battlefield, at least in Bad Company, seem a bit redundant. Although all the guns in Black Ops sound the same, IMO.
I think Black Ops did the gun differentiating worst between all the Call of Duty games. And I strongly agree, the guns in Battlefield did feel a bit redundant.