Forgecast #02 - Sharp, Not Witty So I've retroactively named the last Forgecast the first one (since we did do it after Reach released) and this is the next edition. Stuff went down that made it hard to get a recording in until recently (or even remember that there was a Forgecast to be done). In any case, after many months, glitches and guest switches, we have a somewhat-obscene though probably entertaining podcast for you all. On This Episode Host: SargeantSarcasm Co-Host: Bloo Jay Co-Host: Black Theorem Guest: CHUCK Guest: xSharpshooter94 Topics Wait, I Gotta Print Something Podcastin' Throwdown - Byes Throwdown - Haze (Sorry, Stevo) Halo CE - The Flood Half Life and Its Expansions Halo CEA Call of Duty Chuck's Sister Shanon's Sister Clue Chuck Prank #01 Battlefield 3 or Modern Warfare 3 Gamblin' Man FH Redesign Minecraft Question of the Forgecast Staff Secrets Social Media [BANNED] The Internet Final Thoughts Additional Materials Google ISP Jersey Shore Question of the Forgecast Listen to it HERE Forgecast #01
****. Sharps retarded laugh gets annoying. We should post it on youtube and make it compete with Rebecca Black's angelic voice. Overall, holy crap I want in on the next one.