Well the economic crisis has hit home for me too now. After almost six years I lost my job today and I think the company I worked for is not far from bankruptcy. Pray I find a decent way to earn a living soon. So have any of you been laid off recently and do you see this unemployment situation improving any time soon?
I recently lost my job of giving sweet, sweet lovin' to fine ladies.. oh wait. ...Na. i'm still swaggin' all about.
Lol at Shanon But I think he's serious. Sorry dude, I think that the economics are getting better though. Slowly, though. No, I mean VERY SLOWLY.
congratulations most people will spend the rest of their lifes working in the same job, look for open doors, there is plenty out there. check out Business support, information and advice | Business Link
I'd take this as an opportunity to extend into other areas. What was your main field of work? Because if its something to do with computers or computing, which Im guessing it might be, you'll likely have no problem finding another job. It can be a pain, but really, you can only get said 'no' to a certain number of times before someone eventually says yes. I've been at the place I now work at since April last year, but before that the last place I worked at employed me for nearly five years. I really wanted to get out of there, but it took me about a year of looking before I found the place I work at now. I could have had a better job, working with telecommunications fiber optics networks, but I screwed up in the interview because, in the fine print of the email I got to confirm my interview time, it said I had to wear business attire. Basically a long-sleeved shirt, tie and dress pants/shoes. I didn't see this, and only wore a button-up shirt and nice pants, but casual shoes. Everything else I did in the interview was great, according to the liaison I was talking to before the main interview, but because of this small oversight I didn't get the job. So I would say, no matter the job you apply for, if you get an interview dress to impress. First impressions matter. Im sure you already know this, but good advice is still good advice.
Thanks for the advice and the laughs guys. I am glad to be done with that place. I was there almost 6 years managing an office and doing payroll. It wasn't very interesting and didn't challenge me so I am glad for the opportunity to look for something better. I'm just concerned because jobs are so scarce in central VA. I will polish up the old resume and start networking with people I know. Who knows, this could be the best thing that has happened to me in a while.
Its good that you're looking this as a positive thing or at least not negative. That's the best thing to do when you get laid off.
Yeah moping about it will not get me anywhere. Hey, maybe I will have more time to forge some awesome maps now lol. I'd love to get paid to do that.
I lost my summer job the other day. I got my thumb crushed between a pneumatic vice and the bottom chord of a floor truss (I built trusses for residential housing) and they sent me downtown to the clinic to get it x-rayed. It turned out it wasn't broken (somehow, absolute miracle it wasn't, when they opened the vice up my thumb was thinner than my pinky) and when I got back to the job site, they told me they had cut all temps in the company for a week which coincidentally was exactly how much time me and another guy (also a temp) had left at that job. Not a good day at work, fortunately it was the day AFTER my birthday or that would have made that a pooptacular day.
Yes that's why I clicked on the thread. As for this unemployment crisis? I don't think it's going to get better within the year. Our government took how long to deal with the debt ceiling? I doubt it can stop fighting and actually work together anytime soon. I'm sorry about the loss of you're job and my pessimistic outlook.
How very glib. That's usually how people find jobs, isn't it? Seriously though, he's right. Finding a job is (usually) hard work, but if you're lucky you will get one again soon enough. If you're really lucky, however, a job could just land in your lap. Few people are that lucky though, and those lucky enough for it to happen to them seldom realise they're that lucky and take it for granted. :\
HELL YES, roflmao, i really did. More time for us in your schedule<3 EDIT: wait nevermind But really, the best way to keep the money flowing is get a smaller job that can hold you until you get your foot in the door for a full time job, if you know what i'm saying.