This is a map I've been working on the past few days and i can't wait to test this "bad boy". It "clicked" from the start and its really been my favorite project. That's partially because it was "smooth sailing", and it couldn't have gone any more "peachy." It is a 1 sided objective map that supports 8-16 players. From what I've experienced from driving around on it, It could be my best for vehicles. The pictures really don't do it justice, so I will think about adding a video if i get some "responses". Blue Base -The Building to the left spawns "camo" -Shotgun on top of the 2x2 next to the mongoose - Ghost at the base of last large brace on the right Red Base -Sniper below 2x2 bridge (right) -Shotgun at base of 1x4 (far left) -Warthog,Ghost, and Mongoose inside base Middle -Overshield left building -Plasma Launcher bottom middle, base of 1x4 - Laser Top Middle, Top "Overshield building" -Sniper under bridge "Discuss".
You've got some pretty realistic looking structures, especially in the first pic. Some areas look a little spacey (2nd and 3rd pics) but as you said vehicular combat is a main feature so you do what you gotta do for that. I would consider adding some small cover here and there though.
I completely agree with you, my buildings are kickass =P. One specific area i would like cover would be the large brace bridge in the middle of the map. To get an idea of how long and open it is, it takes a full sprint to get from building to building. The top walkway could use some cover in the middle, and i would like to block vehicles from getting on the top. Other than that, the sightlines have been suprisingly good considering it hasnt been tested at all. We shall see. I shall name it Vantage
I was merely "browsing" the "forums" and "stumbled" upon this guy. It "looks" pretty good man. Maybe you'll "net" yourself another "feature" in the next few "weeks."
"Looks" well suited for "vehicular" "combat" which "I" actually "prefer" in "maps." Let's have some fun, this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick.
This looked promising in forge yesterday. My favorite part was how you could take the 'hogs up on the bridges if you dared, but how risky it would be. definitely looks like a solid map and I look forward to playing it.