Orbis v2 Orbis Version 2 is out -- Download For those that are interested, Orbis is a latin word meaning "circle". While this map may not be a exact circle, I did feel the name worked well for the map, as it flow it's circular by nature, offering no direct routes through the center of the map. The map is rotationally symmetric, or inverse symmetric, further adding to Orbis's rotational flow. Orbis is a small map, and as such plays best for 2v2 and 3v3 size games. While it can support 4v4 it is not recommended because the openness of the map makes spawning difficult with that many people. The map plays a number of gametypes well, but I think objective gametypes is really where the map shines. Multi-flag, Assault, KOTH, and Territories all play well on the map, even stockpile wasn't too shabby. Each gametype plays out different ways because of varying objectives and spawn set ups (some are dynamic and other's are fixed). **Updated Version 2** -More cover(through the use of larger columns) int he bases. -Glass cover added to center. -Tac jump added to top center -DMR spawns adjusted -Spawn adjustments -Windows added to bottom center Enough of my jabbing on about the map, your here for the simple facts and the pictures. Weapons and Equipment: Focus Rifle: 120s Grenade Launcher x2 (1 spare) 90s DMR x4 NR x2 Plasma Repeater x2 Sticky Grenades x4 Frag Grenades x2 Health Packs x2 Pictures: Red Flag Bottom Center Red Flag to center Grenade Launcher spawn Green side Top Green bottom orange/ health pack Top Center Thanks for viewing, I hope that you enjoy any and all games that you get on Orbis, and that it serves you well in your custom game nights. Thank you to all those who have helped test from it's roughest outline to it's current form, your feedback, and help is greatly appreciated. Download Orbis Version 2 of Orbis is now out, Download links have been changed
First! I love this map, it plays very well with some objective gametypes and the tric jump to get onto the middle area is very well done. The focus rifle is really turned into a power weapon which is uncommon
i like it... i didnt this much of it at first, but i like the way u used the items. everything seems to line up just right, which is always my biggest concern. some parts look kinda wierd, but i think im gonna give it a try
This is a fun little map - definitely chaotic once it gets more than 6 players on it, and really 4 is probably the ideal size. Surprisingly fun for multi-flag and just rock-solid for slayer. I especially love the focus rifle - that weapon is seldom given its due as a close and mid-range weapon (on most maps it's just the assist-maker from long range). On this particular map you have no choice but to use it as close and mid-range, and it works so well that way that I've started looking for occasions to use it that way on other maps as well. Congrats on getting this out and I hope we still play it from time to time!
Duck, I heart this map. The objectives, spawns, and weapons are great and it looks as good as it plays. All I can say is I cannot wait to rush the GL on this map again, and capture about 5 flags every game. I've played just with 8 people, so I need to get a game on it to see how good it plays on 2v2.
Orbis by Duck NG Gameplay - This map plays very well in 2v2 and 3v3 situations. Anything above and the map tends to get a little chaotic which can be fun, but if you're looking for a more competitive atmosphere I would suggest keeping to a 6 player party. Orbis is a very well balanced map in terms of weapons and mobility. There are plenty of escape routes when in trouble that creates for an exciting atmosphere. Another plus to the structuring of the map is the ability to bounce grenades at various angles to get that always rewarding kill before the enemy gets away. There are three levels to the map, the main spawning/objective level, the upper level (very advantages to the team that takes control of this area), and the lower level mainly used as an alternative route. Each level is useful whether it be for game control, weapon control, or objective game types. What I really love about gameplay on this map is the fast pace action that never really feels unfair. I always find myself having a good time when we get together on Orbis. I personally find CTF to be the most entertaining, lots of high paced action trying to get that flag out of the enemy base. Weapons - Weapons are very well placed and balanced. I love grabbing the grenade launcher and blasting opponents away. There is always a chance for a good wall bounce kill as well and as I said earlier, is always rewarding! It was said earlier, the focus rifle is a unique power weapon for a map, but it works great. It is one of the only maps I actually enjoy the focus rifle on. I generally stick with the DMR and thankfully there is almost always one available for pickup(thank you good sir). A lot of maps are ruined by poor weapon choices and this map is not one of them. Spawning - I have yet to have any problems with bad spawning on Orbis. There seems to be no problems with any gametypes. I know Duck is pretty versed when it comes to spawning and it certainly shows. Aesthetics - Not exactly a huge map full of eye popping beauty, but simple clean and to the point. The structuring is well thought out and there are multiple routes and jumps available at your disposal. What really pops out to me are the walls, oddly enough. A lot of maps have bland grey walls with little to behold. I really love the creativity in making the walls look detailed and unique. Its a fresh breath of air. I also like the 'chimneys' as some nice little sneaky routes. Overall, just a nice clean looking map. Value - I would put a fair amount of value on Orbis. It is a clean and simple map that is fun every time you play it. It is also a good 4-6 player map so those smaller custom parties will find it very useful. I've played several games as a tester and haven't gotten bored yet. I think you'll find yourself including Orbis in your smaller parties quite frequently. Overview - Orbis is an excellent map. It plays well, looks clean, and is well balanced. There is that always important factor of will I ever play this map again? And I think Orbis goes in the yes column. We've done plenty of testing and I have to say its a pretty flawless map if the player count is kept under control. Although a 8+ size party could be pretty fun for a mass killing frenzy haha. Great job Duck, you hit the nail on the head with Orbis!
Hey, why is this here and not also in the submission thread? I've played this a couple times and I know it has been tweaked since I last played, so I don't feel comfortable giving any negative feedback yet. I still think the top mid should be roofed like a gazebo to deter jetpack users, even if it's just a mental thing.
A beautiful map, with unusual weapon choices, and a strong flow makes Orbis one of the few maps I sincerely like. Few impress me so you should feel proud that I am (Not trying to be conceded or anything, there are just not many maps where I say "this map is fantastic") The Focus Rifle (now updated) is an underrated weapon and this map showcases it strength, which I love. Not to mention that numerous locations to tactically jump, and cross the terrain make every game on Orbis unique. You, my friend have got a download from me.
I would have to say that this map is a great 2v2 competitive map. I have not had the opportunity to run 3v3 on this, but I believe that it would be a little congested, whereas 2v2 just felt right. The spawns worked great, there is a lot of close to mid range DMR fights, and the height variations produced an enjoyable experience. I would say the only part of the map that I did not see used much was lower mid, yet it is a very necessary addition. Overall, this map truly is a gem for anyone looking for a competitive 2v2 game. One last thing, I loved the tac jump to top mid. It is crazy how those two little jumps, effect gameplay in such a drastic way. You have my DL, and hope to play this some more!
2v2 = Fun. 3v3 Flag w/ flag at home to capture = Not fun. Good **** man. I'm gonna get right down to business since it's 3am up in this *****. I still believe in the gazebo idea, though not as much as having a tac jump up to that ledge in front of each base in-between the 2 ramps going to top-mid, even if it only appears on asymmetric game-types. Here comes a wall of text, *****: Having a tac jump here would increase mobility and promote slightly better flow when maneuvering the somewhat overly-trafficked bases. A little more on that in a bit. Back to the tac jump: By giving this extra option for reaching top-mid, which is easily the most dominant position on the map, players have an extra route they can use to surprise the enemy team. I feel that right now it is almost too easy to hold down top-mid, which brings me to my next observation... Simply put, the bases are far too exposed when viewed from top-mid. You can literally see each base in its entirety, aside from whoever is behind the columns (though that can be addressed by simply getting a better angle from up top). Once a team has established control here, it becomes quite difficult to push back. If you spawn a base, they have the drop on you. You spawn on the side paths leading to bottom-mid; they can see you there, too. Besides my suggestion about the tac-jump (test it at least- I have a feeling it will work out very well.) as a way to increase maneuverability and slightly reduce the easiness of holding top-mid, I propose simply adding more LoS breakers to the bases. Probably even around top-mid itself now that I think about it. You could play with the idea of putting a small hut-like structure around them, housing the flag. I'd say go for more columns at least. As for top-mid, any kind of cover that provides more harsh LoS breakers than the two columns currently there would be great. Right now they only serve as slight annoyances when trying to keep your sights on a target since you can move 360 degrees around them anyways. All that said, I really like the map. The tac-jumps you already have going to the sides of top-mid are dope and work perfectly. The aesthetics are minimalist and well integrated- I found them much more appealing than some of the aesthetics used on Apollo. I think after a few more iterations to get the bumps ironed out, you'll have a great 2v2 map on your hands, sir.
Looks good. I usually tend to favor larger maps, but hell, when am I gonna get enough people to play those anyways? I like the use of the Focus Rifle and Grenade Launchers on this map, really helps round out the weapon set. Most small maps tend to just have Snipers, Rockets, and other standard issue power weapons, but this map's weapon set makes weapon control more interesting. I'll dl, take a look around the place.
Woah, this map looks really sweet! The gameplay, im sure, is really good. Just the looks of this map really blend together perfectly. Nice aesthetics!
Sorry for the long delay in my reply, this week's just been a bit busy for me, last week of work and all, plus preparing to leave in the morning. I have to start, by saying thank you all for viewing, your thoughts, comments, and feedback, I greatly appreciate it all. From all the feedback I have gotten since releasing I have made a few changes, that after a few more tests when I get back I will hopefully share with you in full here in this thread, until then I would appreciate any more feedback, and suggestions you may have. For those wondering what these changes are, they include some added cover to the bases, tweaked spawning, and a small tac jump to top center from each side. DJ-- ya, I know what you mean, a number of people have expressed that to me, especially in areas such as bottom center. But ultimately that comes from my lack of aesthetics, and more concentration on gameplay and objects lining up properly. I hope you enjoy the map, even with some of it's texture issues we'll call it. chronotempest-- there has been a few changes since you last played on the map with me, however I can't tell you what specifically as i'm not sure which version you tested with me. Many changes made were smaller in nature, or aesthetically based. Thanks Duster, I know you had to bare a number of those "more chaotic" matches when I was testing this, so thanks for sticking in there. The focus rifle to me is one of the best part's of the map since it does give a very under valued weapon a chance to prove it's self. Slasher, you need to get a smaller game in on this, because if a 4v4 was all you got to see it on, then i'm sorry, but on the bright side those tests showed that it was indeed not meant for that many people, which is always nice to know before hand. It is less chaotic with a 2v2, or 3v3 although it does retain some of it's fast paced gameplay. Wraith-- wow, I wasn't expecting a full review, but alas there it was. Since I'm not as sure where to start or what to write in response to that, I think I will go for the simple approach and just say thank you for the kind words, helping me test, and for your support. Thank you Audience, that means a lot, I'm glad you liked it. I haven't seen you much recently, but are you close to releasing pivot? or did I miss it being released? Moth-- I'm glad you enjoyed it, I think your right on 2v2 matches bottom mid doesn't get used that much, except for getting focus rifle and grenades. It does see more traffic in a 3v3, or the right game type such as KOTH, but that's just nature, everyone goes for the high ground. Remind me to show you sometime the new jump I'm testing out to see what you think of it, and hopefully we can get you set up in a 3v3 on here for once. boibert-- Thanks for the detailed feedback both here and in game, you'll be happy to know that I am testing out a version now that incorporates both a small tac jump, and a little more cover to the bases, this may also improve the spawning with a few other tweaks being made. Also, what aesthetics on apollo? lol. Apollo was just lucky to be made the way it was with no frame rate issues, and under budget, I can't even think of anything done on that map for looks. Dominator, i'd love to hear some more feedback if you get a chance to take a look around in forge or to get a game on it. I hope you find the weapon set a refreshing change from the norm, and that it serves you well when your in smaller party games. MCGreen-- thank you, that's certainly a rare compliment to any map i've made, so thanks, and i'm glad that you like it. I hope your able to get a game on it, so that you may see that the gameplay matches or exceeds the looks. Again, thank you all for your thoughts, kind words, and feedback I appreciate it all, if I find this new version I'm testing is an improvement over the original I will release it to you all as soon as I can. Until then any and all feedback would be much appreciated, thanks for viewing.
The map looks nice and plays well too. i like how you decided to have the center be where the 3 levels are located and the 2 bases on each side. that gives some security when playing and thats nice. a small map but how you forged it made it very playable. Michmaster32
Well, I finally played a 3v3 on this map and the results were as I suspected. You guys held top mid and we were constantly under fire. I was never able to even get a DMR to right back because I was being shot by two people 3 seconds after I re-spawned. I know you want this to support 6 people, but I just don't see it happening lol. As for the changes you are making, I think that is a good thing. I can't remember who my partner was but we both agreed that another tac jump up to top mid, and a little more cover on the basees would really benfit the game experience. Anyways, I hope to test this out and play some more 2V2's on this gem.
Actually I hope to release Pivot within the next few days, hope to have the final test be tomorrow diring our CGN. And if you need any testers on the second version let me know, ill help you out.
Orbis v2 I'm here today to show you all the changes that have been made to Orbis, as I have now released the second version, it can be found here (download). The original post has been updated with new pictures that show the changes, any picture that had even a slight change in it has been removed. Change list: -More cover(through the use of larger columns) int he bases. -Glass cover added to center. -Tac jump added to top center -DMR spawns adjusted -Spawn adjustments -Windows added to bottom center While I received many positive reviews of the first version of Orbis a number of things became apparent that needed a little fixing. The changes mentioned above fix those issues, and add a new dynamic to the map that wasn't present before. Version 2, is my submission to the $5000 budget contest, so if you like it bribe the judges... I mean recommend it to a friend. I want to thank everyone who has given me feedback, suggested improvements, and helped me to test Orbis, it would not be what it is today without your help. Download Orbis v2
I really thought I had commented on this but apparently not. I really enjoy the game play on this map. It also has a unique look and layout that makes it memorable. What inspired you to name it orbis btw? Also, I look forward to seeing the new changes.
Well I'm excited based on the power weapons, focus rifle and GL are easily my favorite guns in Reach to use. I shall get a download and tell you what i think of this new version you've uploaded.