Taurus2v2/1v1. This map began as an idea of making a Gemini inspired map, without the stupid doors and whitout the stupid teleporters. After discussing the idea with Levvi, I decided I'd try to make it a 1v1/2v2 map instead of a 4v4, as I figured that would work better. There are still teleporters on it, just no stupid ones. I'm not going to write a lot about it, but rather just let the map speak for itself. Map Gameplay - Hulter :: Taurus 1v1 - YouTube Don't complain about my atrocius gameplay. I would like to see how you played yourself the first few games after being away for a bit over a month. Pictures Red room and sniper spawn. four colour square and OS spawn. Orange room and elevated entrance to red room. Same place from another angle, and teleporter leading to blue. Teleporter leading to yellow. bottom blue and GL spawn. Items 2x DMR - 2 spare clips - 30 sec. 1x NR - 2 spare clips - 30 sec. 1x sniper - no spare clips - 58 sec. not on start. 1x GL - 1 spare clip - 73 sec. not on start. 1x custom powerup - 90 sec. not on start. 2x plasma grenades - 30 sec. not on start. 1x medkit - 30 sec. Huge thanks to Levvi for ideas, help and testing. Thanks to all other testers as well. Download
I'm just surprised this wasn't posted earlier. It really reminds me of Commons by Seven oh Three and unoverrated. Almost to the point where one might mistake it for an edit of that map. Oh, and this map still has the "stupid doors and teleporters." They're just different from Gemini. This isn't the best map I've ever played, and it's not your best work either, but it was decent and somewhat unique for a competitive map. It played pretty well in FFA, I'd say. If anything, I'd remove those extremely narrow sneaky hallways and the hidden teleporters. They didn't really add anything to the map, IMO. I'd also remove the sniper, but that's not as big a problem as my previous concerns.
Honestly not sure about wether you are being serious or not. There is quite exactly 1 "extremely narrow walkway". It's not like the map is symmetrical. what made the doors on Gemini stupid was that they opened when people come by and closed when they went away again, and that they promoted camping and other stupid stuff you could do with shotguns, nobb pp combo, bruteshots et.c. As for the teleporters: They are not hidden and it takes about five minutes for a normal mind to get used to them. Also, what made the teles on Gemini bad was that they led to places that literally only had one route leading to them, and that they too promoted camping. I just don't see why they would still be stupid, even though all the stupid elements have been removed. I can't see why you would think that an asymetrical 1v1/2v2 map is an edit of a symmetrical 4v4 map. You must be joking. This isn't like commons in any way. Do you even know what map you are talking about?
Didnt look anything like commons to me..... your joking right? Anyways great map and great aesthetics, one of my favorites from you hult!
some great aesthetics here, really inventive. you have some overlapping witch im not a fan of but gameplay is above normal. good map and i would like to see what you produce in the future
the layout of the map is really nice, and it seems like its all symmetric? but i think that the way you have things laid out should result in great gameplay. overall though the aesthetics are very very nice. i especially like the rock placed on the wall in the first picture. how did you do that? do you know the piece you used and the angles?
@First point I'm not sure if you're trolling or not, but I'm not even going to get into that. @Second point Even a single walkway could have a pretty surprising effect on gameplay. If I were you, I'd look into that. In the one game I had on there, the narrow walkway, though not used by everyone, was heavily abused by those who did know about it. If not removing it, I'd definitely widen it to make it more noticeable. @Third point Yes, I completely agree. @Fourth point That's five minutes that an experienced player, someone who knows the map, could be dominating those players who have started up their first game on it. I'm not a fan of maps that give an unfair advantage to those who know it. Especially if it's intended to be a 1v1 map. An example of this unfair advantage it gives would be in the FFA we had. You were abusing those teleporters the entire game before anyone else knew about them. You had the lead for 90% of the game. I was pretty lucky to have made that comeback. Had that been a 1v1 involving two similarly skilled players, the results would have been very different, with the match being in favor of the one who knew the map. @Fifth point I don't quite understand what "they" is. @Sixth point We must think very different about maps, then. If you look at certain points in Commons, you can see many similarities between that map and this one. It doesn't matter that it looks like another map, but I just though I'd mention it.
First off, I don't see how you could have missed that this map is *NOT* made for anything but 1v1/2v2s. I have told you about that, clearly, many times. The game you were in was not competitive in any way. The bloody map's spawnsystem for FFA is terrible, as I always knew it would. I'm surprised you never addressed that, but rather just said that it played decently. That's bullshit. This map is atrocious FFA, and I'm starting to think you actually can't tell the difference and that everything you say is made up. Of course someone who knows the map well is going to have an advantage over someone who's playing it for the first time. Good maps with intelligent layouts can take more than an entire game to get the hang of. Look at Dammy, for example. And the thing is that the advantage the one player has over the other for a few games doesn't matter. If two people are playing on a map only one of them knows well and can get about on effectively, yes, they are fighting on unfair conditions,and that is why you never should use the very first games for reference when measuring skill, or for telling who is better than who. You shouldn't take the results seriously before everyone knows the map well. Look at the GL in this game. It has that function where you can keep holding the trigger after you've fired it, and that can be really useful. Now, do you think any random little CoD kid new to Halo will know about that at once? He won't, and so he'll emmediatly be at disadvatage, but that doesn't mean the function should be removed along with all the interesting moves and tricks it allows for. Those noobs will simply have to suck it up, live with it, experiment some to find it out or just be told about it. that's the way it's going to - and should - go. Complex maps allow for more skillful gameplay, and the point is that you should learn the map. Map knowledge is a skill. The rock is a seastack with a few smaller rocks to even it out for smoother movement up and down to and from the balcony. I never ever make symmetrical 1v1 maps, allthough this is mainly a 2v2. So the answer is no: the map is not symmetrical.
I knew you were trolling, but I'm going to give you an answer anyways. First off, I don't point out obvious problems. If you're at least an average forger, you would have seen that the spawn system was bad. If you have ears, you would have heard the many complaints towards the spawn system. Secondly, when I say decent, I mean it wasn't completely broken. And third, spawn system is two words, not one. The fact that you're defending feedback which you know to be true is pathetic. I'm not even going to make a longer post, since I know your reply will probably be something stupid again.
Going on to the grammar now, are you? A missed space because of a bad keyboard invalidates my post and my reasoning? Let me break your post up a bit. There is no such word as "anyways". The correct word is "anyway". I did see it was, and I have told you. Can't you read? Also, wether I am "an average forger" or not in the present does not affect how I would have seen stuff in the past. It doesn't mean I always was. You messed up with the tenses, noob. But it was, so why would you say that? And third, "Spawn" and "system" *ARE* supposed to be between quotation marks. Defending true feedback doesn't sound to bad to me, although I'm actually neither defending any feedback nor defending against feedback. Look who is talking. Nothing you say makes sense. stop derailing the thread. Bloo: Yes. Quit. I am a mod. Therefore I am dope. See?
I really like what you've done here. I think the teleporter system is really creative and works just fine. Have you considered raising the teleporters slightly so that the blue tip of the portal is a little more noticeable? It may take away slightly from the door aesthetic but it might make it more obvious for first time players of the map. As for that hallway, I agree it feels a little tight but I don't think it's exploitable. The advantage of it being a little harder to see into is countered by the fact that it is easily grenaded. Awesome map, in both layout and appearance.
Why does everyone have to get so damn defensive about everything anyone says about their map? It's called constructive criticism. There is of course a difference between that and plain ol' criticism, but I do think 4shot could have made more suggestions rather than complain about stuff. However, the beauty of it is that if you don't like their suggestions or complaints, you can ignore them, or at the very least respond in a way that doesn't start a flame war. Both of you quit your bitching.
I'm with that guy. OT: After a quick forge through of this map I would say the layout is pretty soild. There is a nice mix in height variations, and no one spot that seems over powering. Also, your aesthetics are top notch. I love how you did not just use the tunnels, but gave it character by adding the braces. I also like your use of struts to color the map. Another unique aspect would have to be your use of 3x3 shorts and rocks. I'm not sure if I have ever seen anyone do that before. I would say my biggest complaint would have to be the teleports. Although you can make the argument that once you have played the map a few times you will know where they are, they does not change the fact that they are not easly recognizable. The easiest solution that Frozenlynx and I came up with, was just to place shield doors over the teleports. You have enough budget to do so, and this immediately tells a player, "hey this must go somewhere." Anyways, great map and I look fwd to getting a doubles game on this.
He isn't even adressing relevant stuff. I'm not getting defensive (I've got nothing to defend myself or the map against anyway), I just hate how he keeps spreading his - IMPAHO - nonsense and arrogance all over. I tried that but didn't like the way it looked. I think the reason you see teleporters with shield doors as obvious is because you're used to it, since the concept has been used such a huge amount of times. You should get used to the teleporters eventually, and I think it will be better in the long run if it is kept as it is now. It might be good for the people who are new to the map, but it just isn't worth permanently worsening the map for the people who stick to it for a longer time.
I like the map, especially the natural surroundings. Good aesthetics but I think the gameplay is good minus the teleporters since I had a hard time finding them. It felt like a balanced set of weapons too. I would suggest help making the teleporters more noticeable by possibly making it into a aesthetic or using lights or shield doors. I know you want to keep it that way, but you really got to understand that you have to make changes to help players recognize the map, after all you only have 10 minutes on a team slayer map, rather you had 10+ hours of forging. Great map other than that.
I don't think you need to add shield doors, but people who aren't as observant as myself may have a hard time realizing they're there. I simply noticed they looked odd and walked up to it, which was how I found out it was a teleporter. However, that was in forge and not in a slayer situation where you aren't looking for stuff like that. The average player will most likely have no idea those exist the first time around and you need players to be able to understand the map within the first few minutes. That being said, if you've been happy with the results of your play tests and haven't found the need for an obvious, "Hey, I'm a teleporter!" shield-door aesthetic, then by all means leave it how it is. Maybe some sort of structure pointing you toward them would be enough without resorting to the standard shield-door.
False. Good complex maps can take a lot longer time to be completely understood. You don't actually have to use the teleporters. you just get an advantage if you can. Map knowledge is a skill. Also, the teleporters are made to look a bit special, and they are really in places where you intuitively would think there should be another route. The area by the orange teleporter would have just been a really strange dead end without the teleporter, and I think it's rather easy to tell that there is one.
What he meant was it should only take a few minutes to understand the basics of a map. Players won't be looking for things like hidden teleporters while they're getting chased by enemies, but I assume you already knew that before you started all these troll posts. I don't understand your logic. First you tell everyone how bad your map is, and then you get all defensive when someone other than yourself points out its problems. Are you ****ing stupid? If you thought it sucked, you wouldn't have submitted it in the first place. If not, you would listen to some sort of feedback. Please leave Forgehub. You're only making a fool of yourself.
Both of you please stop. 4shot has a huge point, he was pointing out the problems... deal with it. Instead of defending your map why don't you take the problems he pointed out and use it to fix your map? Anyway, the map looks very aesthetically appealing but the random colors look a bit odd to me. Sadly, i couldnt get a chance to play on this map but i probably will get a splitscreen game on this later.
What? He has not got any points. His "feedback" isn't substantial and is based off of nothing. "Problems" mentioned: It's too similar to Commons. It's not the best map I've made. Has stupid teleporters. Has stupid doors. It played well for FFA (Which I have clearly stated many times that the map is not intended for at all, and it, for the record, completely sucks for FFA). Has "those extremely narrow halllways that don't add anything to the map". There is a sniper. Answers: It is in no way like commons. Commons is an open map with a diagonal line of symmetry and the layout or aesthetic theme is just not the same at all in any single way. Well, tough ****. I'll look into changing that right away. Good thing I've got people like him to always let me know exactly what I should do to improve the map. I just don't know what I would do without all that constructive criticism. He does not explain how they are stupid. The feedback is worthless and completely meaningless. He does not explain how they are stupid. The feedback is worthless and completely meaningless. It playes horribly for anything but 1v1s and 2v2s and anyone who thinks a spawn system where you are in someone's line of sight right when you spawn should be considered either a joke or just very uneducated. It has one narrow hallway and the place would be too enclosed and you would not have enough movement options without it. He does not explain how it has a negative impact on gameplay, so the feedback is worthless and meaningless. He does not explain how the sniper has a negative impact on gameplay. There is no way I'm going to even consider using feedback by people who can't even motivate what they say. Just look at all those valid and intelligent points he made! If you ever see one, you should be awarded with a big prize, huge award and an enormous party, because it is completely freaking impossible. Nothing he said was valid feedback. Stop accusing me of being overly defensive already. I am just not taking invalid b/s into consideration. I'm actually going to go report his post because it violates the forum rules.