Castled v1.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Realistic, May 15, 2008.

  1. Realistic

    Realistic Ancient
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    This first part is the story behind the map and gametype, there is a quicker breakdown of the basics lower if you just want the bare bones

    A cult of wizards resides inside Castled Keep, keeping their magic scrolls and powerful secrets from the world. The Keep is set far into the mountains, and is directly connected to the lower foothills of the cliff side via a fragile old walkway. Two blue torches light the way into the foothills, but it is said that the hills are a part of a burial site for the ancient dead, and as such few dare travel outside the keep into its treacherous crags. The ground is littered with stone spires ever reaching toward the sky. The setting for the Mage-cults final fight.

    The Black knight is the Spirit of a Traitor to the cult, and as such cannot die to their magic, at best they banish him from the castle only to be attacked again shortly thereafter. Using their spells, scrolls, and their precious jewel, the Eye of Ruucht, they hold off the knight's onslaught, until the one time he managed to slip past, the one time he managed to kill a cultist. Then spirits were seen wandering the cliffs, malicious spirits who not unlike the knight wished nothing more than the death of the cult. With these spirits, and the Black Knight, how can the Mage-cult hope to survive?

    Thats the story behind the game, at least. The mechanics of the game are as follows:
    Infection, five rounds, 5 minutes per round. Killing a zombie is always worth three (3) points, and killing a human is worth two (2) points. Being the last Mage-cultist standing is worth NEGATIVE two (-2) points. This discourages hiding out until the end, but because of the weighted scoring it is still usually better to be a human than a zombie.

    Only one alpha zombie exists regardless of the number of players, and he is the Black Knight. He moves faster than the mages, and he can take a hit pretty well, too. Other zombies are Tortured Souls, and they are equipped with minimal active camo, and gravity hammers. They move a little slower than the cultists, but they are also harder to see. They respawn under the foothills. All zombies have slightly enhanced shield-regeneration, so you need to keep pressure on the zombies in order to prevent them from regenerating.

    The humans spawn inside the castle walls with rockets and brute shot spawn weapons, though with reduced damage from normal. They can access the entire castle from the start. On the middle level, there is a set of grenades (scrolls) that spawn once. In addition, there is a custom powerup (Eye of Ruucht) that enhances damage, and movement speed at a cost of your shields and your secrecy- by picking up the powerup, you put a waypoint above your head for the enemies to see, and you turn gold with power.

    If you spend all the scrolls, there are some more in the catacombs (castle bottom floor) but be warned, the catacombs are an easy entry point for both the knight and his spirits to attack, so decide if the Grenades (scrolls) are really worth it before you go down.

    One of the most prominant features of the map is the destructible walkway leading from the castle to the foothills. If it isn't constantly watched, it is a quick way to lose a match. Decide if you want to bait them across to kill them on the landing, or if you want to kill the bridge and buy yourself some time.

    The map makes use of several advanced forge techniques, including minor fusion with map geometry (wall with crane) and basic interlocking (all of the foothills)

    I don't think I forgot anything, without further ado, here are the screenshots. Enjoy!:



    The Cliffs

    The Destructible Walkway

    Inside the Castle, top and middle floor

    Catacombs of the Castle

    Graveyard under the Foothills
    #1 Realistic, May 15, 2008
    Last edited: May 15, 2008
  2. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    First Post! let's hear a Woot Woot! Anyway this is a great map, wondiferous interlocking, although your title is incorrect, please only write the name of the map, game varient excluded. The destuctable walkway is rather unused and the catacombs are well constructed. I say a solid 9/10. Good Job!
  3. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Great idea, and the way you mad it is really nice. I has a lot of things that make is a good map like a destructible bridge, making some good strategy.
  4. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    i really like the look of this. it's nice to see a really cool entryway into a castle/fort. usually you just walk in but i really like this it's an actual hallway you have to go down, very nice.
  5. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
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  6. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Looks great, first impression was very messy but after scrolling down, this looks great, you've got a dl from me.
  7. bib bob

    bib bob Ancient
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    great job with the map looks to be a great attack and defend map
    P.S. is there more than 1 enterance to the base other than the catwalk?
  8. Realistic

    Realistic Ancient
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    There is a total of three entrances. One is on the bottom floor, and leads you through the catacombs. medium speed, but it puts you beneath the other team.

    Two is the side of the castle. A little hopping from spire to spire will get you over to an exposed panel of the castle allowing a sneaky jump-in (hence those boxes on the one side of the castle)

    Three is the destructible walkway that I've mentioned before.
  9. KB

    KB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is awesome for any of you that are thinking of downloading.
    The gametype and the map run very smoothly when played together.
    Thanks you for letting me help you test this map.
  10. Phishman631

    Phishman631 Ancient
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    looks like a really fun map
    def gonna dl
  11. agemscor

    agemscor Ancient
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    i am really interested in see'ing the bridge in forge. good job. im gunna go check it out ;D
  12. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    I am very impressed. Very Sexy....
  13. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
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    Looks great Will defiantly DL. I love the destructible bridge. I have seen it before but only small scale with 1 or 2 pallets.
  14. myonlydetriment

    myonlydetriment Ancient
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    Nice map, great aesthetics. I downloaded it.
  15. Lord Snakie

    Lord Snakie Ancient
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    Looks like a great map, you definately have my download. I love to see maps where people actualy use old skills to float things. It shows that they didn't just start when Foundry came around and it was easier.
  16. Realistic

    Realistic Ancient
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    I'm glad I'm getting a positive review on this map, Pallets are probably my favorite item in the game because of their unique properties.. I've got some more ideas I want to test with pallets at some point in the future, but for now this is the best I've came up with.
  17. Lord Snakie

    Lord Snakie Ancient
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    When I was playtesting my map on here, The Run, I used to have the ending as a pallet bridge. It spanned the entire top of the map, all the way over to a small platform at the end held up with weapons. The pallets were supported with one powerup each (Yes, you can float things with objectives, powerups, weapon holders, and teleporters. Not a lot of people know that) and it was hard as hell to stay on it, since powerups are circular.

    Whenever you stepped on a pallet, it started to fall. Keep in mind that, at this point in the map's development, Humans have 50% speed and 100% Gravity, and Zombies have 200% speed and 100% Gravity. So Humans were pretty much screwed unless you timed every movement or jump perfectly, and the Zombies could get across easily. It was a sweet ending, but it turned out unfair because only one Human ever made it across, and I had to take it out.
    #17 Lord Snakie, May 18, 2008
    Last edited: May 18, 2008

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