Hello everyone, Fenrir here. I use to be on here and had some maps, but I forgot my user name and pass, oh well, haha. any way. On to the map... What I have here is both my first map, and puzzle map for reach. It consists of a total of 8 parts excluding the very end which is just a reward for finishing. Please be aware that a few parts cannot be added due to ruining the puzzle, some may also not show the section well for the same reasons. I would rather have it be more fun in game and more difficult, then give you a better depiction (sorry) Note: as to my knowledge you need to be an Sangheli (Elite) to finish this, if someone can get through without any help as a spartan, please inform me. First part, and spawn room. Numbah 2! section 3 >>Classified Intel<< Section 4, this is actually the area that I think restricts Spartans. Section 5 >>Classified Intel<< Section 6 >>Classified Intel<< Section 7, walk the line. punk. Section 8, seems simple enough... Your reward is there, what are you waiting for?
looks pretty sweet, i'm about to try it out. i'll post a review of it when i finish edit: alright im done... and i got a review! the first area was pretty cool, it took me and my friend a good 10 minutes to find out what to do. areas 2 - 4 were pretty basic, and were very simple, alike, and unoriginal. areas 5 & 6 are pretty much the same deal as above - simple and alike. but i'll admit, i thought area 5 was pretty cool area 7 was pretty much a guess/check scenario. i don't want to give any spoilers, but the grid part i would have never found out if i didn't die 10 times to see what i had to do. area 8 wasn't really a puzzle, more like a "run or die" thing. idk, it seems like none of this map was a puzzle and more like an obstacle course. i'd give it a 6/10 overall. don't take that the wrong way, i'm a pretty strict "reviewer" when it comes to maps, so anything above a 4 is considered pretty good. like i said above, this isn't reallr a puzzle map, in my eyes, and more like an obstacle course. i do really like the end cave though, i thought that looked pretty badass! i can't wait to see if you make a sequel, i really like to try out another one of your maps!!!
thanks, I just finished it so it should be just right too. If you find anything wrong with it please inform me, I always seem to miss something.
Thanks, yea I know parts 2, 3, and 4 were extremely basic, but I wanted them to be. Next one I'll try to make much harder. part 8 I considered a puzzle because you had to figure out where to stop, thats really the only reason, and it would have been a lot different if you could bring the odd ball out of bounds. 7 was just because you had to figure it out, not too complicated, but tricky. 5, you had to risk it, kind of a puzzle, more of a test, but still. 6, well, I dont really know I needed an area to slow you down after that jump ^_^. As soon as I get some more ideas, I'll start another. And pentagone, thanks, Im glad I could provide you with a challenge ^_^.
haha if you need any help with your new puzzle map, just hit me up on XBL. i'll be glad to help you with any puzzles and testing
This map did seem pretty unoriginal. No offense but I got pretty bored with it pretty fast. It was too easy. You as a builder defiantly have potential to make good maps.