I would hardly brag about it since your opponent had someone playing halo for his first time.. plus his two guest. That's about as cheap as it comes.
You should put up a vid of it. You'd get less negative feedback I think. Cause a link to your game stats isn't too pleasing.
Call me when someone gets an Unfrigginbelievable against MLG pros. Of course the other team was filled with awful players, otherwise he wouldn't get the medal.
Seriously guys, you're all douches. Great job on the medal bro, I REALLY doubt anyone else in this thread has one. No DUH the other team sucks, it's NEAR impossible to get the medal without that factor in play.
Congratz man... I'd love to have one of these but I only tend to play in games that go up to a score of 50... Oh and I suck...
You're bound to get douchebag comments when you post something like this. Still, congrats. I was 4 kills away from mine.
Bungie.net : Reach : Career Stats : Medals No vehicles, got it in doubles. You should really do your research before assuming something, you know, because it really makes you looks stupid. Also, I was just making a casual joke, I don't mean to bash your skill or anything.
It's doubtful negative feedback would decrease after seeing someone camping noobs with a sniper rifle and scorpion... Pretty much my point. This is hardly worth it's own thread, especially when threads already exist about posting your epic moments or medals you're most proud of. It's like bragging about getting laid by a fat chick. Yeah, it may have been your first time... but not really a major accomplishment considering who it was with. Not all of us are egotistical, self-centered players in team games and worry about medal. I worry about the wins. I tend to play Invasion when I venture into the team games and almost always try to set up a spawn point for my battle bro near the objective. Unfortunately most idiots don't understand the concept of stealth and usually give away my position by jumping around like idiots.
Even without the unfriggenbelievable you can tell that their team was pretty bad. They were spartans in invasion slayer and they lost. Invasion slayer is so incredibly tilted in the spartans favor that it's hardly worth playing, which is why a lot of people will quit if they're put on the elite side in that game. However, whether they suck or not doesn't much matter. That's 40 consecutive kills. Even if they're bad there's a chance that they can get a lucky shot and kill you. Congrats on the medal. I've only gotten one (in typical invasion).