The Olympus Chain Yes, audience, I've missed you too. All I'm gonna say, is this map is Refined 2.0 basically. And yes, Its better than Refined, actually. As you can play more gametypes on it. Well, on to the pictures, shall we? *Big thanks to Cosimo and Walrus for spawns, objectives labeling, and other advice!* Yummy, center structure. The nucleus of the Center Structure, Go on! Download! Check it out!
Looks really good man, I've wanted to play on this for a long time. I still don't know how you make some things so curvy, it boggles the mind. I guess you could say this is a more refined version of Refined? Yes, I made a joke. One more thing, your thumbnail isn't working.
Yeah can you fix it for me? And thanks. Im glad I finnally got it up. Its been in my local files for 2 weeks. : Halo Reach : File Details
Hey boi! You got this up eh? Great job! Also the heli was susposed to be a secret!!!! AHHH! But Whatevez! BTW we need to work on that map!