MLG MLG Physic

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by RejectedSnail, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Physic is a 2 base symmetrical map. I would count purple and yellow bases, but red and blue are the main ones. So this map contains only one powerup, which is Invis. It spawns every 2 minutes and if that is the incorrect time for MLG, please let me know. But I worked on this for quite a little and I am finally putting it up on here, so criticize and give me stuff to work with, thank you! Now look at some pictures of the map...well after you read what weapons are on the map.

    --This map is in Beta so if you would like to help test it, send me a message on XBL, GT RejectedSnail.--


    DMR: x4
    Needler Rifle: x2
    Frag Grenades: x4
    Plasma Grenades: x4


    Red Base


    Blue Base


    Blue Mohawk (There are four of these one on each side of bases.)


    Yellow Base


    Yellow Hallway (There are four of these extending from each Mohawk to Yellow/Purple Health Pack)


    Purple Base


    Purple Flat (Same with Yellow side, Plasma Grenade spawn)


    Invisibility Spawn (Top Center)


    Top View


    If any of you would like to help me with testing and making the spawns perfect, let me know!​
  2. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Looks like a clean map so far, I like the symmetry. I haven't tested any lag yet but noticed that your Large Braces are facing an undesirable way toward the map. The darker side of the Large Brace is laggy but the top light grey side is not. Also, try not to use the bridge corner because it has glass. Especially since when you look through that glass you see more glass on the other side, this creates most lag, when the engine is trying to render objects through multiple layers of glass.
  3. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah I know it is an undesirable way, but it looked different so that's why I did that. But if it creates lag I will definitely turn those around. I actually didn't know that with the bridge corners, so I will fix that too! Thank you for taking the time to post something.
  4. TehxWalrii

    TehxWalrii Forerunner

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    I'm definitively loving the looks of this one, I'm not too much of a fan of MLG gametypes, simply because of their many stipulations, And I prefer normal gametypes. The map seems to have some sort of Construct-y feel to it. And I have no clue why. Maybe because of the Forerunner designs, maybe something else. I'd want to test it in normal gametypes if you don't mind, and my GT is xNINJAx Walrus.

    Feel free to contact me for testing on any new maps you make if you don't mind returning the favor on some of my own ;).
  5. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well I guess I could do that!
    I mean it is mainly for MLG, but I could try it out with regular slayer...Alright when I get on later I will add you!

    Oh I will most definitely contact you to test and I would be glad to test!
  6. unoverrated

    unoverrated Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    First of all brace larges dont lag, thats the least of your worries. what worries me are the bridge diagonals, one of the laggiest pieces. I really enjoy the layout of this map though, add me (with a message) and ill go through this map with you because you deserve it. Great stuff
  7. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well I went back already and fixed the braces, and got rid of those diagonal bridges. What I replayed them with I think makes it flow a lot better...I will definitely add you!

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