Deprived map pack

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by jdino188, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. jdino188

    jdino188 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    After my previous map pack , the “conquest map pack” I decided to return to the world of forgers here on forgehub and unveil my second map pack titled the “ deprived map pack.

    Check out the map pack trailer below.

    Halo Reach Deprived Map Pack - YouTube

    7 all new maps by jdino188



    Abolished is set inside of a UNSC battleship, called battleship Echo. This ships engines have been destroyed so now it hovers on reach , hopeless, as the planet is destroyed by the covenant . this map is asymmetrical and is a very interestingly designed map. It has a lot of unique sightlines on it and provides interesting and variable content in every game type. this map supports multiple game types including 1 flag ctf, oddball, and crazy king, I would say that its definite strong point has to be the design. its so different from any of my other maps and plays extremely well that its one of the most solid maps for medium sized play in my map pack. This map has 5 power weapons a shotgun,
    2 snipers , rocket launcher, and grenade launcher. general range of players goes from 4- 12 players and its best game type in terms of game play is 1 flag ctf.

    *Map Tip – the best way to control the map on abolished is to control the sniper at the bottom left of the map (see screenshot) this area allows u a lot of good site lines and doesn’t allow players to sneak up on u.

    Groundwork is set on a ODST communications base. This base has been recently installed and is a vital asset to ODST troops. Because it supplies them with crucial information to completing missions and updates all there objectives to help carry them out . this map is asymmetrical and has an isolated structure design. This allows players to have a lot of indoor outdoor combat which has proven to be extremely fun. This map supports multiple game types such as oddball, land grab, and headhunter . this maps strong point is the perfect mix of indoor outdoor combat because with this design it allows u to fight inside of structures without other players constantly aiming in and taking your kill. But at the same time if u like to receive help from your teammates it allows u to play outside of the structures and receive help from your allies at the cost of being more vulnerable to enemy attack. This map has 3 power weapons a shotgun. Sniper and rocket launcher . general range of players goes from about 4-12 players it plays well in FFA and its best game type in terms of game play is head hunter.

    *Map Tip – in this map the gravity lift room is extremely important to control because a lot of players use this as a route of escape and a quick travel from the bottom of the map . very much like swordbase if u get the shotgun and control this room u will get easy kills. Just watch out for nade spammers.


    Triune is a map set in a brand new Spartan training facility that is wanting to test the Spartans abilities in using the teleporter effectively. This map is a symmetrical map that has a very simplistic design that is perfect for dmr skirmishes. It has very open sightlines so it allows players to work on their long range dmr skills and at the same time provides enough cover so that u can work on counter shooting. This maps supports game type such as oddball, ctf, and assault. This maps strong point is how the map is designed around teamwork. It is open so that u can call out 1 shots and have your teammate take him out and it allows for a lot of different strategies to be made and used for a teams success. However it is a very competitive map so I would use it under arena settings or use the mlg version for super competitive play. The mlg version of this map (which is included as a bonus map on my fileshare) plays like I said very competitively and it focuses completely on dmr combat. Which means it has no power weapons on the map . I can already hear the cries of little noobs everywhere “ that’s so retarded I want a rocket launcher” well my friends that’s why I have the original triune map now isn’t it. Anyways this map plays best with 4-8 players both mlg and original versions of the map, and its best game type is CTF.

    *Map Tip - communication is key on this map. Because it has very open site lines its very easy to respond to your teammate callouts and finish off one shots . so make sure to talk with your team create custom callouts and clean up their one shots.


    Intrusion is a map set in a farmers marketplace which was invaded by local rebels and all its goods have been stolen from the stores and the vault. This map has symmetrical bases but overall is asymmetrical. Its design is in an oval with one center structure on the map which make the top of that structure a vantage point. This maps strong point is how its designed all about the range of combat. Meaning different parts of the map play best with different weapons. For example at the back of the map ( far left on the screenshot) where the shotgun spawns that area plays best with close quarters combat. so I put a shotgun there so that if u wanna dominate with the shotgun, u can pick it up and because how that back area is designed it allows u to rack up kills with ease. Same thing with the rocket launcher I put it there because that area is open and it allows for both teams to fight over the rocket launcher but once u have it its game over for the other team. U will notice more about the range of combat once u play the map. This maps has a shotgun rocket launcher, and a sniper. This map supports. Ctf, crazy king and oddball. And it plays best with 4-8 players, it plays well in FFA and its best game type is oddball.

    *Map Tip – to dominate in team games or FFA. Get the sniper. And fast . even though the rockets are very powerful don’t make them your first priority because they only have 2 shots. The sniper has 8 and if u go to the top edge of the map ( far right on screenshot) u can sit up their with that baby and dome everybody transitioning to different areas of the map.

    Ordnance is a map set in a UNSC encampment in charge of keeping important weapons shipments under heavy surveillance because of recent rebel thefts. This map is a symmetrical map .with a very well rounded BTB experience. It has a perfect mixture of infantry game play as well as vehicle game play making for great BTB objective games.
    This map supports a good handful of game types including , ctf , assault and stockpile.
    This maps definite strong point is its incorporation of the banshee. Most maps ive made never had a flying vehicle unless the map was huge but with a map like this the design allows for both people to have fun , the person flying the banshee and the person attempting to take it out .because both will get around the same amount of kills and the person who takes out the banshee will be extremely satisfied as they destroy that jerk in the banshee and the person who dies will be satisfied with the amount of kills they achieved .its a win-win situation and trust me even though its about equal its a lot more fun to control the banshee. This map has a shotgun, sniper ,grenade launcher, and Spartan laser. It plays best with about 8-16 players and its best game type is stockpile.

    *Map Tip – in order to control the map I suggest that your team storms the laser spawn and one of u pick that up then another person should run straight for the banshee and get inside of that and start doin work. And then have the person with the laser take out the opposing teams warthog. Now u have the most powerful vehicle and its harder for the opposing team to take u down. Great success! ( borat :D) lol


    Glacial is set in the UNCS’s top secret facility in the ice cold skullamanjaro mountains. This facility is in charge of keeping one of the most valuable data cores under protection. This core holds all strategies for attack and defense in the situation that planet reach was attacked. And the elites need this core to invade planet reach effectively. Its up to the players to decide the fate of planet reach. Defend the core successfully and the humans will win the battle on reach. Fail… and reach will fall. Its up to you Spartan. This map is invasion if u couldn’t tell and its probably one of the smallest but most fun invasion maps I have ever played on. In the first phase the elite have to capture one of two objectives. They can either manually destroy the generator or hack the mainframe. Once one of those is captured the generator explodes and the first gate opens now on to the second phase. In this phase the elites need to blow up the main generator for the entire facility. On this phase the spirit drops down a ghosts and the bomb. and a concussion rifle spawns in front of the first gate. and Spartans get a shotgun up against one of the crates to help them defend. Now u have to take the bomb and rush the cave where the generator is. After destroying the generator the 2nd gate is opened and the middle structure is opened as well. Now onto the final phase. In this phase the elites get a revenant and a plasma launcher. And the Spartans get a warthog and a rocket launcher .and in the middle structure of the map is a neutral sniper rifle. Now ur objective is to grab the core and take it all the way back to the start of the map where the spirit is waiting for you. ( see screenshot for power weapon locations and objective spawns .) this maps strong point is its focus on infantry combat allowing players to have an extremely fun fast paced invasion experience . this map plays best with 8-12 players but it does support 16 players if u want more chaotic combat.

    *Map tip – in this map u don’t want to be focused on how many times your dieing its best to ignore that and keep pushing hard and even if u can only run in and get a couple seconds on the objective or just a couple feet with the core it will help your team a lot and ultimately win u the game.


    Extension is a map set in a drained purified water holding tank. this is a symmetrical map that focuses on delivering extremely fun vehicle and infantry combat. very similar to Ordnance in its game play focuses but it plays totally different. This map is a lot larger than ordnance allowing for players to have awesome vehicle combat in a much more unrestricted environment . it has 2 warthogs and 2 ghosts and has 6 power weapons. A grenade launcher, 2 shotguns, 2 snipers and a rocket launcher. Its middle bridge was designed after narrows and its curved design allows players be covered from the opponents teams base as they go across until they hit the middle of the bride where their vulnerable. The game play generally feels like sandtrap when your playing on its base level and more like narrows uptop.the strong point of this map is its incredible site lines for sniping and its amazing infantry vs. vehicle fights. This map supports CTF, territories , and crazy king. and plays best with 8-16 players and its best game type in terms of game play is CTF.

    *Map Tip – to have a better chance of winning on this map you need to make sure that u have a good sniper who will sit back and pick guys off and make sure at the start of the match that a good percentage of your teams rushes the rockets allowing u to have a powerful weapon when their vehicles come around .

    Well those are all my maps be sure to check them out . and leave a comment letting me know whatcha think. Hope u like them :D
    *quick look vids coming soon*


    Also I am now doing a podcast with my good friend redshirtkiller who does the editing for all my map pack trailers and videos. Its called podcast cartographer and it’s a podcast where we talk about halo related content such as maps, screenshots and news in the halo universe. We interview one forger an episode and highlight the map they made and show it off to the community. This map pack was featured on the podcast in episode 2 if u want to hear the interview and more about the maps or just wanna check out the show please go to our website or search us on itunes. Were still looking for unknown forgers who make incredible maps that should be shown to the community. So if u think u make awesome maps. Be sure to check out the content submissions tab on our website. Thanks :D
    #1 jdino188, Aug 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2012
  2. McD9134

    McD9134 Forerunner

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    These maps feel really nice, the flow of your path maps and game play. the look is good, but not to complicated to distract, just enough to give it an atmosphere. The only problem I have is that your maps have restricted Game types (at least that's what the video seemed to show) I think that these maps would be fun in a multitude of Game types, But I do understand that you have to make sure the more ideal game types get in there over the others. over all 8.4 by my standard. Awesome keep up the good work.
  3. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good post, though y-o-u is a three letter word. I like abolished and glacial for their unconventional design, and have downloaded both to see them further. Ordnance and Intrusion don't look bad either, though not as original as the first two. Groundwork, Triune, and Extension seem thrown together, they don't feel as if you put as much time or thought into these three. Personally, I would post the maps separately next time, throwing seven maps in one bag tends to hide them and dilute the importance of each.

    On another note, where is the gametype for Glacier? With a bomb phase you will need to set up your own GT and put it on your file share, not just expect everyone to have the Invasion: Breakpoint gametype.
  4. jdino188

    jdino188 Forerunner
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    thanks man , well for groundwork i wanted more of an isolated structure feel without alot of crazy asthetics. but i do understand what you mean i really didnt spend much time working on that map, for triune i wanted to make a MLG map so i was trying to go for a clean map that would play well for mlg and then i coverted it to competitve also, except i didnt add anything new besides weapon spawns which i probably should have done.and for extension i wanted to go for again a clean design that allowed people to play with alot of players without it having a hard time in terms of frame rate. so thats why but i mean for triune and extension they really just have a different design its not that i took less time on them cause i spent alot of time on both and had many variations of them but not so much with
    oh and thanks for mentioning the invasion GT i forgot to do that :D i owe u one....i mean i owe YOU one ;)
  5. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    so first off let me say that the map pack that you made is very impressive. i also very much enjoyed the video you made for it. so i only downloaded 2 maps ( glacier and abolished).

    i really enjoyed abolished, mainly for the fact that it was enclosed. i like the asymetric layout and the structures are vey unique. i also like how the map isnt to wide open but not to closed in either. and i liked the staircase you made. 4.5/5

    onto glacier. the map was highlighted in the video so i decided to take a look and i think it should play out nice for invasion. overall though i enjoyed the area where you have to plant the bomb it was cool that you made the rocks strut out and that the large structure coming out of it is included in the cave as well. i will play this later. 4/5

    overall the map pack seems to be very well forged and made to be a lot of fun! congrats
  6. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I had gotten the honor of viewing all his maps before his big release, while there maybe some framrate issues on some but the gameflow is amazing. I like each theme to the map because it really brings character to a map. Well done Jdino and I apologize for bumping down your mappack for I know you have worked really hard on this.
  7. redshirtkiller

    redshirtkiller Forerunner

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    I have to say out of all of these maps Abolished is my absolute favorite. I love the mix of long sight lines and tight quarters action. The map flows awesome and aesthetically it is freaking great! I love the Pillar of Autumn bridge shout out.

    My second favorite would have to be Extension, CTF is great on this map! Extension is simple aesthetically but it more than makes up for that fact with how the map plays.
    I really enjoyed playtesting this map, as it was nice to actually play with people who are good at CTF!

    Rounding out my top three is Groundwork. Oddball is so much fun on this map! Fun sight lines, cool buildings, and a cool layout. I like all of the little touches on the map, especially the reverse fire pole. If you download it you will see what I am talking about!

    Also be sure to check out Podcast Cartographer. I will be at Halo Fest and I will be updating the site with some great content during PAX!
    Our Podcast website:
    Main - Podcast Cartographer
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    Podcast Cartographer - Download free podcast episodes by John Mulnix & Jesse Andino on iTunes.

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