Post any ideas for halo 4 on this forum! Here are mine: ORDANCE: Forgeable forklift scope on the assault rifle All weapons(exept the classic pistol) that have ever been on halo. Chainsaw(Sword toy) Monster hog, Police hog, Sportshog, Boosthog, Shade hog, Race hog, Golden hog Forge all vehicles and weapons(Including Target locator) Blue spartan lazer Automatic pistol(Rapid fire pistol) Bannana(Magnum toy) Bubble shield(not drop shield),sprint, evade, Jetpack, mobile health pack, mobile overshield, Fartpack(toy), Mythic(bullets bounce off for a short time), Camo, teleport, quick strike(airstrike), Hologram, classic camo, armor lock. Needle turret FR needler Heretic banshee, seraph, sabre, elephant, and anti air wraith MAPS: All maps should have something special. One would be good for grifball, another for forge, another would mix all kinds of gameplay(Including Invasion, Firefight, BTB, and SWAT) and have every vehicle, and finally there would be mutiplayer roller coaster. All these maps should have a part in the campiagn to keep it interesting. ENEMIES AND ALLIES: AI allies would include Heretic elites, Elites, marines, hunters, and spartans. AI enemies for Firefight would include drones, engineers, brutes, gutas, moas, grunts, floods, jackals, scirmishers, Hunters, monitors, and even prophets. Campiagn ones are limited to the story. NOW POST YOUR IDEAS
For guys like me who are slow learners on the Forge front, please PLEASE put a beginner version. God forbid the nerve issues with my hands keep me from making anything serious.
I like some of your ideas. I don't want a lot of stuff that's not going to be in the campaign though. I like the weapons that have been created. I wouldn't be opposed to some new ones as long as they are in the new campaign. Some of your ideas are similar to mine. I wrote a really long post about everything I would like added. You can read it here: I didn't feel like retyping it all over again. haha
Personally, I'm not trying to shoot you down or anything, bit I think most of that list is completely ridiculous/silly. There is no way 343 would turn Halo customs into a pile of turd by adding all that crap. This is all they need to add: Multiplayer - Keep the gametypes they have now - Add VIP - Make more/better maps - Expand on invasion (make better/more maps) - Patch bugs, fix overpowered AA's, balance maps Firefight - Make Firefight vs in matchmaking - Fix it, make it more engaging - Make vs 8 player compatible - Flood and Covenant modes? Forge - More moveable objects - More colorful objects - Add SMG, Beam rifle, Mauler and Spike Grenades - Switches/ Mechanisms? - More triggers/event labels for invasion
Why the **** would you leave out the classic CE pistol? It could ****ing 1shot scarabs IMO haha. Although, the beam rifle needs to come back, the jackal snipers piss me off so ****ing much you wouldn't believe it. Firebomb nades. Better forge physics engine. Why the **** would you put drones back in firefight. Firefight with the flood. Switches. More color? Make customs able to hold way more people than matchmaking so i can get my pelican like in Halo PC:Custom Edition. And maybe a MM gametype where they use community made Race maps and actually race, not like this rocket race **** on Hemmorhage.
My thread I started on this topic got locked but anyways here are some of my thoughts. First, I want a link or group objects feature feature! If that's all I got I might be happy. Additionally I want to be able to copy already grouped objects. For instance if I am building 4 team specific bases I don't want to have to build each one individually knowing there will be slight variations in each of them. Give us the ability once objects are in place to link them together so that an entire structure can be moved instead of piece by piece. And then the ability to copy the structure and place its copy on another part of the map. Weather and terrain. What if instead or filters you could just enter a custom setting. like: Precipitation, Time, Wind, Temperature, and so on. Additionally if we had more natural peices. like: Rocks, Trees, Bushes, water, and grass. Better colors and styles. Not colors like the current "outlines" in forge. If you could make a 5x5 flat completely blue or a covenant designed wall. Map with various terrains. I miss sand and snow from H3. Also I would love to have a jungle or heavily wooded area to build in. Vehicles. I'm not super picky but why cant we have forklifts and stuff. Any driveable vehicle in the campaign should be available in forge. Animals? May sound dumb but think about how cool a custom game might be if you had MOA running all over the map while you fight. Again nothing crazy, only the stuff you would see in the campaign or relevant to the Halo Universe.
Maybe I did go slightly too far but they should at least have covenant and UNSC structures and forgeable civ. vehicles.
I agree. Having a few "variants" of each object (5x5 UNSC wall, a 5x5 Covenant wall, and a5x5 stone or natural looking wall) isn't to much to ask. If they added only that and the ability to lock or link objects together then move the whole structure would be ideal. I just think its fun to think about how forge would be if I built it and what as a forger I would want included.
That's tripling the amount of objects that are already there. So that is quite a bit to ask. They just need a balance.
The chopper A forge terran editor The chopper Wear up to 3 armour effects at once. 1 body (e.g inclement weather), 1 head (e.g pestilence), and one afterlife (e.g heart attack). A much wider selection naturally. The chopper An xp system which actually reflects skill not time played. The chopper The ability to purchase or unlock new assination moves, including weapon specific ones (e.g using the bayonet attached to the spiker). The chopper You can change your characters image in the pre game lobby, allowing ho=im to have a specific weapon, or duel wield a selection of weapons. The chopper Black as an armour colour (NOT STEEL) The chopper Sprint as default for spartans, evade as default for elites (can be deited in custom games) The chopper Another hour of things I can't be bothered to write
I already posted my ideas for Halo 4 Forge here. Quick summary of that post: -Stable rotation -Stable file save/file system -Undo -More precision for coordinate nudging/rotating -Ability to lock/unlock objects from editing (but still be able to view coordinates) -Group select (like crtl-select or shift-select) -Copy and paste -More variation in Forge objects (especially in thickness, so you can match thickness of flat blocks) -Lower frame rate with less lights & glass, no z-fighting, and no disco -Find & highlight object(s) -Less open space required for the monitor to manipulate (for tight-space forging) -A way to view the total number of objects, as well as the numbers of specific objects (as in, more specific than just the category)
Spoiler -Removal of Armor Abilities and anything similar -Removal of bloom -Removal of Armor Effects -Remove invasion -Bring back the BR -Bring back the Carbine -Bring back dual wielding -Bring back the Covenant Spectre vehicle -New Flood forms -Allow Spartans and Elites to be played in every playlist, like how it worked in H3/H2 -Covenant, Forerunner, and UNSC themed forge items -Night and day forge FX -Get rid of the credit system -Forerunners as playable characters