<I'm new> Hi! This is my map Cryption. Cryption is an asymmetrical, medium-sized map built off the cliff in the gulch. This map is built primarily for team slayer and multi-team, but it is compatible with most other gametypes and FFA. Cryption was somewhat inspired by Hang Em' High, with ledges for a quick gettaway, along with a fair amount of cover. Overview Blue spawn Red spawn Orange ledge Purple ledge Middle Lift - Top floor Lift - Bottom floor Weapons List Sniper rifle - x1 - 1 spare clip Rocket Launcher - x1 - 1 spare clip Gravity Hammer - x1 GL - x3 spare clips DMR - x4 - 2 spare clips NR - x5 - 2 spare clips AR - x2 -2 spare clips Plasma Pistol - x2 Plasma rifle - x2 Plasma Repeater - x2 This map has gone through many changes and always will be. A map is never done. Criticism greatly appriciated.
This map doesn't look too bad, building a map on the cliff above the canyon isn't easy, I experienced that myself building one of my more recent maps there that has yet to be tested. Your map appears to be an asymmetrical map with alot of different walkways and paths leading to different places, though the tower appears to be the dominating feature, I'd expect you'd be able to see the whole playspace from up there. What's the incentive to not go up there? There seems to be rockets on a platform along that outer catwalk, though if the opposite team controlled the tower, it wouldn't be easy getting to them. And don't tell me the sniper spawns up there, that would make it an absolute camper's paradise. Those platforms along the outer catwalk don't seem close enough to easily jump to, somewhat limiting the mobility to the whole catwalk, I'd expand those to be complete walkways. There appears to be plenty of walkways and paths, but cover along those paths seem minimal, mid to long range fighting would definitely ensue here. Though the area near the base of the tower looks good. Overall, the map is crafted well enough, but it seems it would be mostly limited to long range battles, especially with the tower. Controlling it means controlling the map, with limited room for error for the losing team to recover, as the limited cover might restrict mobility. I'd have to dl it and/or play on it to tell you more, but I think I gave you a decent amount of feedback from the screens alone. There's a map in there somewhere, you just haven't quite found it yet. Keep at it!
Thank you for the ideas. I am putting these into consideration, as again, I'm always trying to improve the map. I've tried adding more cover to several places, but for whats currently there, it's hard to do so and remain aesthetically pleasing. I had previously considered changing the weapons' spawn point, but have yet to do so. I have also considered removing the ledges and surrounding wall altogether, which I am going to try and test later to see how it looks and how gameplay differs. I really appreciate your support! -- Made an open variant with improved aesthetics, cover and different weapon placements.