Wraith Escape The map is composed of a two story maze, with hallways big enough for Wraiths to go down. The two Wraiths (zombies) try to eliminate all other players by splattering them, before the time runs out, while the others simply try to stay alive. The zombies cannot cause any damage unless they splatter someone, so their cannon is only good for destroying trip mines players leave for them. Really, there are no good places to hide, players will always be on the run. But two plasma pistols may be found that contain 10 charged shots to slow the Wraiths down. Trip mines, bubble shields, deployable cover, flares, and active camo powerups all help the runners, as well. Three succesful trip mines on a wraith will destroy the zombie, since their sheilds do not recharge. This is a hard thing to pull off, though! HINT: For a harder game, increase the time limit. Once the plasma pistol ammo is gone, things get hard. 1st Floor: 2nd Floor: Map Gametype All of my maps: RISK Board Game Special Ops. Pirates Boarding Action 2 Battlefield Wraith Escape Death Pit Sprint
Actually sounds like a fun map, I am going to give this one a download. I like the actual feeling of having to suprise. -Donuts
It took a while to make, and incidentally it is also a good Zombies maps if you enjoy the thrill of having nowhere to hide!