Attack The Beach

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by HarryHighDef, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. HarryHighDef

    HarryHighDef Forerunner

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    Phase 1:We had to make a push up the canyon, so we improvised. The old lifeboats make perfect landing craft for the 'hogs and the infantry. We had to take out the Elites damn tower as with it standing we stood no chance of advancing, so we blew it up.
    Phase 2: The Specwar division gave us some help in the form of a falcon and some new guns, they helped us take down the sheilds stopping us from getting to their comms tower, but the Elites fought hard with their own reinforcments.
    Phase 3: We had to blow up their comms tower or risk them sending for reinforcments but they got them anyway. That damn wraith made it ten times harder to kill the comms but we did it, and with a bang.

    Back to the real world, Attack The Beach is an invasion map where the spartans assult a beach.
    Phase 1: Blow up the tower to help advance the attack.
    Phase 2: Take down the elites shields to get acces to the comms.
    Phase 3: Blow up the comms.

    Weapons and armarments:

    Phase One:
    Warthog default 60
    Plasma Cannons x 3 30

    Phase Two:
    Banshee 60
    Focus Rifle 30
    PLasma Launcher 30
    Falcon 60
    Sniper 30
    Rockets 30

    Phase Three:
    Rockethog 60
    Wraith 60

    Spartan Initial Spawn
    The Tower Phase One
    The "Quick" Route
    The Elite Base and Comms Tower
    The Tower Phase One
    The "Field"
    The Spartans Base
    The Tower Phase Two
    Sniper Spawn (Rockets spawn in symetrical place)
    Phase Two Objectives
    Elites Banshee and Weapon Spawn
    Falcon Spawn
    Phase Three Objective
    The Ridge
    Wraith Spawn
    Rockethog Spawn
    Comms tower taken down

    Beach Walkthrough - YouTube
    #1 HarryHighDef, Aug 11, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2011
  2. HeadshrinkerTN

    HeadshrinkerTN Forerunner

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    I'm looking forward to trying out this map. It has a "campaign" feel to it that is fairly uncommon in a lot of Invasion map. I like that it's very spread out.

    I'm working on a similar map that uses much of Forge World.

    The video is fun (a little dizzying) - but helps give a feel for what you've done.

  3. Marshman119

    Marshman119 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The P3 wall looks a little lazily built, and you need more aesthetics. The tower in P2 looks good though. Great Idea, but spend more time on it. Don't mean to be harsh, just being strait forward.
  4. HarryHighDef

    HarryHighDef Forerunner

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    Thanks for the fedback and i have many times tried to inprove on theses factors but Alas BUDGET is a fickle b£$ch
    #4 HarryHighDef, Aug 12, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2011

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