Sky Hub Slayer splash screen. I posted the original version of this map foreeever ago. It has undergone so many changes since then that it needed a new name. As you can see, it's a symmetric map. Two identical sides with an area where people can kill each other in the middle. Stockpile is awesome on this map I don't want to get carried away describing everything, so I'll do a quick synopsis and show the rest in pictures. This map was made for slayer, but after some major changes to flow from the first map, it wound up working great with most gametypes. Though CTF, particularly Neutral Flag, requires some play testing, every other objective gametype is solid and plays well. Here's some pics, please download, comment, I'd like to hear some feedback! The rocket lives in the middle of the map, neutral objectives spawn on the top of this little mound. It also provides some cover This spot is where you get the shotgun. From here, you can jump back up to the middle, or launch across the water to Blue's side, or go through that teleporter there and rocket out into the fray... ...and this is how you do that. A tele-gravi-man-cannon. It shoots you out, and you wind up on the central platform near the rocket. There's a teleporter on this side near the bottom that will launch you out the same place. The floating climbing rocks on either side are another route to and from the center. This is the central hallway in Blue Base. You can jump off the open sides of the aisle and land in the lower parts of Blue's side, and conversely, jet-packers can rocket themselves up to here. Each base has a power weapon at the end of the hall. Blue has the sword... ... and Red has the hammer. Using the Jet Pack out of the gravity lifts can launch you to an improbable height. It's fun to lob grenades down at unsuspecting enemies and rain death from above. Focus rifle. You can get to this roost by using the path from one level down, or by using a Gravity lift that pops you out this chute from two levels below. You can climb in the building to reach the top of Red Base, or take the walkway in the back to the inside of the base, or run up the rocks to the middle area, or use the lift to jump up to the focus rifle. Blue Team's man cannon will set them down here, as well, so this is a place where teams often clash. Please, download, rate, comment!
Looks pretty awesome to me. I love the blue and red lights around the hammer and sword rooms. The orange light really makes it pop. Not enough maps have both hammer and sword these days, and nowadays no one uses lights because every one's bitching about something called frame lag or whatever. Who cares about that **** anyways if it makes the map look better, right? The use of struts to add color to the map is awesome. I'm surprised no one has thought of that yet. You've also used the pre-made buildings in pretty original ways, though I think you should try putting in a tower tall somewhere for snipers. Keep up the good work dude.
Thanks dude, I really appreciate it. I'll look at making some sniper vantage points, though it's getting a little difficult, seeing how I reached my object max. But I suppose there's a crap load of rocks floating around I can delete if I want, lol. Originally, I had sniper rifles where the focus rifles are, but it was not easy to find a place to line up shots, so they wound up being not used very much in actual play. I relish the challenge, though.
This map is one of the few that really attracts me. I LOVE the Telegravimancannon thing, I'v been trying to find a way to launch vehicles off of vehicle lifts by dropping them, but i can just use this genius idea! Have you even thought of doing territories on this map? This would be one of the few Slayer maps that actually fit with Territories. If your ever thinking of doing testing sessions on this im in, just VM me.
Wow thanks, I'm flattered guys. You know, I did think about Territories. I didn't do it then because it didn't seem like the teams had a fair shot at the terrains on the other team's side, but the map's changed a bit since then. There's no reason not to now, so I'll probably do it, but it might be a little while.