Conduit By unoverrated Conduit started out as a free forge project I started when I was drunk after a party one day. My goal was basically use all of my bunker boxes to spend as much of my budget as possible just to piss Salot off. Then I decided to move it to the water to add a neat aesthetic that vanish coined months ago. This map is not an arena map unlike every forge map in MLG right now so no one will like it. Oh and the fact that I made it means like %50 of the community already hates it without me posting it. Well ****** 'em. Weapons and AA's: Snipe x1 GL x1 Custom x1 DMR x4 NR x2 Magnum x2 Plasmas x2 Frags x2 Jet Pack x2 Health Pack x2 ScreenShotsssss: Videos: Coming Soon Conduit
Wow, this map looks great! I like how you added water and rocks to the map. Everything looks neatly forged. I would like to ask if there is kill barriers on the map. Since one part of the map is open you could jetpack out. Sorry just curious.
You have twenty four (24) hours to make this post up to Forge Hub standards. Your download link must link to the individual map file in your fileshare, not your fileshare itself. This also applies to the other maps you've posted recently.
This is honestly a very beautiful map I like the nice touch of aesthetics and what looks to be a solid gameplay flow. I especially like the tunnel areas you added as im a fan of enclosed walkways, they seem to really make a hectic fight feel even more intense. I always enjoy your forge styles and what you can do with the pieces to make ur map stand out, would love to play this sometime hit me up GT: SilentRaine. Keep forging I love your style .