"London's Burning"? "Anarchy in the UK"? Am I the first person to make these connections? No? Thought not. Anyway, I thought this was all started by a police officer shooting and killing a "popular" drug dealer, which caused people to speak out about police brutality. How it turned into violent riots, looting and general child-punching I dont know.
Well there is no one to blame but the polititions and there amazingly uneccisary high salarys, F$CK THEM THEY SHOULD PAY FOR THIS, after all they seem to pay for nothing other than porn, with OUR MONEY!!!
You heard it here first folks. The cause of these riots? Porn. Videogames probably have something to do with it too. And athiests.
SERIOUSLY? AAAWWWW HEEEELLLLLLLL NAAAWWW On a much more serious note, let's try to keep this discussion relatively intelligent. HarryHighDef, please explain what you meant from your original post.
Okay, I've been reading and listening to the news and I think I have a pretty good idea of what happened. WALL OF TEXT INCOMING!!!! Okay, so welfare in the UK is kind of over the top. The government pays you forever so long as you don't have a job. Also the system is much more socialist over there, they have a much stronger feeling of "everyone should have the same." And personally as I've been going over there I've been feeling like Big Brother is getting bigger over there. My mum doesn't even want to move back to the UK when my dad retires, she'd rather stay in Indiana than go into that kind of environment, and she HATE Indiana. These factors have combined to make it so where the dumb kids who are allowed to fall down and keep falling until they finally get a skill and get a job, are instead held up on welfare for as long as they want. One policeman described the kids on his beat with this: "The depressing truth is that at the bottom of our society is a layer of young people with no skills, education, values or aspirations. They do not have what most of us would call ‘lives’: they simply exist." Now, there was recently a threat to the benefits that the government. In order to help out their economy someone suggested reducing welfare, I'm not sure if it even went through or not but it kind of shows how, and I hate to use a label like this, how "liberal" the gov is over there when the mayor of London BLAMED HIMSELF AND THE GOV FOR REDUCING THEIR BENEFITS when it was because of the benefits themselves that the kids don't know how to function in society. The source I'm using goes so fat as to call them feral and say that he has better behaved dogs (I'll post links at the end). NOw, you have a society packed with 'feral humans', what can set them off? Apparently not much. The police got a tip that a drug dealer was up to something. They haven't released what the tip was, but from their reponse it must have been big. They sent gun cop with MP-5's after him. When they caught him and surrounded his car they heard a shot they thought came from him so they opened fire and mowed him down. They came to find out later that he was unarmed at the time, the shot had been fired by one of the officers. (A cop had recently been killed in England, I read about it on the Flood, some guy was claiming it was proof why no one should have guns, but I digress. Because of this they may have been overly ready.) Well because of the slaying of the unarmed man people went to protest somewhere. Apparently police brutality has become a major problem over there (see big brother statement above). Now, what happens when you create a subculture of entitled dicks who have never had a reason to learn how anything works, specifically the economy, and then give them a distraction, the nature of which will make the police less likely to get involved? They go after the people who have more than them. Kids with no concept of work or effort figured that the store owners were rich because they could afford a store and had more stuff than them, and figured it was because someone had given them more stuff. After all, the government is what has always supplied many of these kids, so it must have supplied them too. So they went out to the streets while the police were distracted to get what they were owed (see everyone should have the same statement above). One of the girls in the "We show the rich and police we do wha we want video" said they thought they were getting their taxes back. THEY LITERALLY THOUGHT THAT STORE OWNERS LIVED OFF PEOPLES TAX MONEY. The riots have nothing to do with the dead man. They were simply entitled kids taking something they thought they deserved when an opportunity presented itself. After they had gone on for a while other people joined in. I've heard about an Olympic hopeful and a millionaires daughter. Anyone and everyone who had any reason to think they were better than the store owners had the temptation to join in. Personally I hope there weren't many people who actually had anything to loose who joined in. The police had cameras on the streets that can identify people with their drivers license database. Anyone with a drivers license whose face was on a camera at any point during the riots is going to have a visit from the police. I know that's not so bad for the millionaires daughter, she was probably just going to live off daddy's coattails anyway, but the Olympians hopes and dreams that she's worked for may have just gone up in smoke because of this. I do have faith that most of the people were the 'worthless'. By word of mouth I heard a story about an 11-year old who got arrested. They had his face because he already had a criminal record. When the media went to go speak with his father he started crotch thrusting at them while the boy told them to **** off. Ya, I don't think this is harming any potential he had. Links: Sense of Events: UK riots 2011: Feral children UK riots 2011: Liberal dogma has spawned a generation of brutalised youths | Mail Online The girls: London rioters 'Showing the rich we do what we want' 09.08.11 - YouTube The group on the Flood (B.Net) dedicated to discussing the riots: Bungie.net : UK Riot Discussion : Group Home One of the threads on the Flood that has many peoples first hand opinions and stories: Bungie.net : Off Topic: The Flood : London Riots: London on Lockdown, Other Cities Rioting The guy on the Flood who said civilians shouldn't have guns: Bungie.net : Off Topic: The Flood : This is why civilians don't have guns Rush Limbaugh's take on events. He's the one who I got the first two sources I supplied here, he was also the first source I found that described why the people were so worthless. The first person accounts on the Flood only repeated that they were drains on the economy, many people thought they should just have killed the rioters in a firing squad, there was no explanation why. I know some of you may not have a good opinion of Rush but he supplies a pretty good summary if mine doesn't suffice. Though it does sound like it has a severe conservative bias I feel it's deserved when the government is trying to figure out how to accomidate the rioters.: London Liberals Riot Against "Conservatives" and "Rich People"
I got back to London just in time for all this to kick off, stayed back at my parents' house for the week. Today I got back to Norwich, where I live, and saw this posted on facebook by another Narchite when someone asked if it had spread up here: