Hello everybody! I am italian and this is my first map I publish. I think that Tempest is a map too much underestimated. So I have done a sort of renewal. The result? An original and detailed map with an enlargement of the battlefield. Ah yeah....for the darkness into the two caves...look at my solution. Tegea Walkthrough: Halo reach BTB map: Tegea (Walkthrough) - YouTube How can I summarize this map? Variety. Enjoy it!
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Looks really sweet behind the caves. I like how you opened up the big ones. I hate how they arent open in MM.
What does it mean MM? [br][/br]Edited by merge: They arent open because its very difficult that in BTB all the 16 players have this map...but in premium battle (max 6v6) this map could work well... [br][/br]Edited by merge: And if you go into a cave...look how i do them!
It means Matchmaking. On to the map - I REALLY like it. I love just the sheer originality of it, especially when things around here get so stale all the time. Also I agree that tempest is much underused. I am intrigued with what you did with those rock tower thingies, they look... absolutely badass. You seem to have taken all the unique tempest parts and used them to create this beauty. Did you change any of the default tempest? like the man cannons and such? Anyways definite download.
new pics. However...i have changes the position of weapons...add some other new...and deleted two man cannons, because i added two usefull teleporters...
Points for forging something on Tempest. I dig the stone shotgun platforms, those a pretty cool. I'm glad you opened up the back caves, but I'm disappointed that you closed the middle caves and turned it into a hidey hole. Good job.
i have closed the middle caves because i want players use the back caves...these are not so direct ad the middle caves 'cause they are longer...but vehicles can go into them and, if you haven't a vehicle, you can use the teleport....however thx for your message...if u want, test this map with middle caves and tell me if is better. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Walkthrough video posted...