
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Fenrir, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Fenrir

    Fenrir Forerunner

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    Hello everyone, Fenrir here. I use to be on here and had some maps, but I forgot my user name and pass, oh well, haha. any way. On to the map...

    What I have here is both my first map, and puzzle map for reach. It consists of a total of 8 parts excluding the very end which is just a reward for finishing. Please be aware that a few parts cannot be added due to ruining the puzzle, some may also not show the section well for the same reasons. I would rather have it be more fun in game and more difficult, then give you a better depiction (sorry)

    Note: as to my knowledge you need to be an Sangheli (Elite) to finish this, if someone can get through without any help as a spartan, please inform me.

    First part, and spawn room.

    Numbah 2!

    section 3 >>Classified Intel<<

    Section 4, this is actually the area that I think restricts Spartans.

    Section 5 >>Classified Intel<<

    Section 6 >>Classified Intel<<

    Section 7, walk the line. punk.

    Section 8, seems simple enough...

    Your reward is there, what are you waiting for?
    #1 Fenrir, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  2. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty sweet, i'm about to try it out. i'll post a review of it when i finish :)

    edit: alright im done... and i got a review!

    the first area was pretty cool, it took me and my friend a good 10 minutes to find out what to do. areas 2 - 4 were pretty basic, and were very simple, alike, and unoriginal. areas 5 & 6 are pretty much the same deal as above - simple and alike. but i'll admit, i thought area 5 was pretty cool :)

    area 7 was pretty much a guess/check scenario. i don't want to give any spoilers, but the grid part i would have never found out if i didn't die 10 times to see what i had to do.

    area 8 wasn't really a puzzle, more like a "run or die" thing. idk, it seems like none of this map was a puzzle and more like an obstacle course.

    i'd give it a 6/10 overall. don't take that the wrong way, i'm a pretty strict "reviewer" when it comes to maps, so anything above a 4 is considered pretty good. like i said above, this isn't reallr a puzzle map, in my eyes, and more like an obstacle course. i do really like the end cave though, i thought that looked pretty badass!

    i can't wait to see if you make a sequel, i really like to try out another one of your maps!!!
    #2 Frozenghost001, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  3. Fenrir

    Fenrir Forerunner

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    thanks, I just finished it so it should be just right too. If you find anything wrong with it please inform me, I always seem to miss something.
  4. pentagone

    pentagone Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just beat it.great job.you really had me at the end.
  5. Fenrir

    Fenrir Forerunner

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    Thanks, yea I know parts 2, 3, and 4 were extremely basic, but I wanted them to be. Next one I'll try to make much harder.

    part 8 I considered a puzzle because you had to figure out where to stop, thats really the only reason, and it would have been a lot different if you could bring the odd ball out of bounds.

    7 was just because you had to figure it out, not too complicated, but tricky.

    5, you had to risk it, kind of a puzzle, more of a test, but still. 6, well, I dont really know I needed an area to slow you down after that jump ^_^.

    As soon as I get some more ideas, I'll start another.

    And pentagone, thanks, Im glad I could provide you with a challenge ^_^.
    #5 Fenrir, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  6. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    haha if you need any help with your new puzzle map, just hit me up on XBL. i'll be glad to help you with any puzzles and testing :)
  7. Fenrir

    Fenrir Forerunner

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    thanks, I'll definitely keep that in mind for testing!
  8. PromanJr

    PromanJr Forerunner

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    the map was great not many people use elites but there so cool
  9. BenjaFriend

    BenjaFriend Forerunner

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    This map did seem pretty unoriginal. No offense but I got pretty bored with it pretty fast. It was too easy. You as a builder defiantly have potential to make good maps.

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