This is the second of three maps in The Shifted Map Pack. Keep up to date on test session, view pics of maps in progress, and get the news on upcoming maps at the Shifted Creations blog. CLICK HERE! Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More CLICK HERE! This map is an arena with a high center ground and cover on the sides, while the center is fairly open. Mainly close to mid range combat. -Plasma Rifle x2 (Blue and Red Spawn) -DMR x4 (4 corners of the map) -Assault Rifle x4(1st floor, by glass cover) -Needler Rifle x2 (top center) -Needler x2 (1st floor, middle, close to spawns) -Plasma Repeater x4 (4 corners of map, by DMR) -Energy Sword x2 (left and right sides in glass room) -Magnum x2 (2nd floor left and right middle) -Plasma Pistol x2 ( 2nd floor left and right middle) -Grenade Launcher x1 (1st floor middle, opposite of Concussion Rifle) -Concussion Rifle x1 (1st floor middle, opposite of Grenade Launcher) -Plasma Grenade x4 (2nd floor, left and right middle)
I think the big issue with this map, is the floor and the "Premade building" the surrounds you. Personally I hate that place. But the structure and the way you used your items are pretty cool and work well though.
Honestly i think the location is fitting considering his map looks forerunner. it looks as if there is enough cover... where did you draw your inspiration?
all my maps are pretty much just random ideas i put together, but honestly, zealot was in mind with this place with the high center ground with low cover. its a great place to spot your enemies, but theres not much cover. and if you look at the "buildings" they are not premade. there are no building pieces in this map either. the floor isnt a problem either because its made that way to break the line of site. btw. this is one of my first maps i made about 9 months ago. so i didnt have much experience with forge 2.0