
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Corrupted Core, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Corrupted Core

    Corrupted Core Forerunner

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    Hey guys, this is pretty much my first post so i hope it all works out as it must go...
    So i now have pretty much complete one of my first Reach maps and i wanted to share it with you people on Forgehub...
    But before the final post i first wanted to give it a few tests to look if everything works the way it should.

    so here are a few pictures of the map

    Spawn cam:

    View from Sniper Building:

    View at the middle:

    View at the blue base:

    Shotgun room:


    Sword room:


    Teleport Sender:


    Teleport Reciever


    here is an overview of the map (i made it in paint because i can't make it in a picture, this is because the map is laid in the coleseum)


    Red circle is the red spawn (base)
    blue circle is the blue spawn (base)
    Rocket launcher is under the green circle
    Sniper room is the blue/grey building on the top mid of the picture
    Sword is laid on the blue piece on the bottom of the picture

    The gamemodes this map supports right now are:

    Team Slayer
    Capture The Flag

    number of players this map supports:
    8 in teams (only red vs blue)
    16 free for all

    weapon list:

    DMR 2x
    Rocket Launcer 1 x
    Shotgun 2 x
    Sniper Rifle 1 x
    Concussion rifle 2x
    Energy Sword 1x
    Needle Rifle 2x
    Needler 2x
    Plasma Pistol 2x
    Plasma grenade 4x
    Frag grenade 4x

    Here is the download link:

    hope you guys like it.

    B.T.W. I'm not English, i'm dutch so there may be some spelling/grammer errors in this post. please say it when you find one and i will correct it.
    #1 Corrupted Core, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2011
  2. X RS Sniper X

    X RS Sniper X Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    if it is done then post it in The Halo reach Custom maps and how much players can this support ?
  3. Corrupted Core

    Corrupted Core Forerunner

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    ow sorry i forgot to say that at this point it only support 8 players for teams (red vs. blue) and 16 for free for all
  4. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Next time make your pics bigger and get rid of the words on them. I wish I could comment on the map but the pics are too small.
  5. Corrupted Core

    Corrupted Core Forerunner

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    Yeah, sorry about that, someway i or imageshack did mesh up the pics... if you click on them you probably see them a little bit bigger.

    i hope someone can say what i can do to make them appear bigger on forgehub
  6. B Retts Legacy

    B Retts Legacy Forerunner

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    you can copy the images straight from and paste them into your description. You can view the files in either your fileshare or recent screenshots. I zoomed them in before copying them but I don't know if that is necessary. Thats how I post my pics, I only use photobucket for my small pics. Hope this helps. The map looks good, I haven't played your map yet but I will probable check it out.
  7. Corrupted Core

    Corrupted Core Forerunner

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    Thanks for helping, i believe they're now up to size we like :)...
    also thanks for the compliment.
  8. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    I am having a hard time figuring out the layout from the pictures that you presented, other than that this look to be an interesting map. The way that you used the objects in sword room look awesome, not to mention your centerpiece made out of brace tunnels. I will be looking for this when you post it.
  9. Corrupted Core

    Corrupted Core Forerunner

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    it's pretty hard to make a good overview because most of the map is made in the coliseum... but i wil try to make one in sketchup or something like that to make the layout al little bit more clear. btw sorry for the late response but i was on vacation.

    Overview picture is in top-post now.
    i hope this makes the layout more clear and the screenshot less confusing

    Edited by merge:

    btw i still need some testing on this map if you are intrest in it send me a friend request on xbl my gamertag is W4rb4ndit NL, also don't forget to message me your from fh otherwise i may think you are a wannabe ^-^
    #9 Corrupted Core, Aug 20, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2011

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