Hey there folks! Its been a while since I posted a new map. Well, here's my latest with the Two Bases. It includes Infection, BTB (or Team Slayer), and CTF! The two bases have always been rivaling against each other trying to out do the other's defenses. They've been escalating since day 1. If one base has a shade turret, so will the other. If one gets a Falcon then the other will have it too and so forth. It will be hard for one base to invade the other but it can be done if you have the right equipment. Sure Blue Base is bigger than Red base but size doesn't matter. Red base has the advantage of it being smaller of the two because the buildings inside are more closely packed whereas Blue base is more dispersed. Anyway, here are the pics! This one is the view of Blue Base: Then a close up of the Command Base inside of Blue: Then here's a little section in between the two bases which consist of two towers that players can get to and snipe at the other base. And finally here is Red Base: Alright, that pretty much covers it. Pretty cool, no? I would like to see how it plays out so if you guys can give me feedback that would be greatly appreciated!
It's not completely original since you made most of the map out of premade buildings, try using more original structures and decors.
Yes I agree with sinless, way too many prefab buildings. Also a sniper in a tower in the middle of the map. That is just begging for campers. First team to get there pretty much wins. Sorry but this map could have been better.
Hey you gave it a good try, but those guys are so righg it aint fair. Camping=winning here. No originallity=bad map.
Yeah, sorry for using buildings. I didn't really try to get creative with this map in the sense of using non-buildings. I'm currently working on a new map and will try to use less buildings.