Cubicado Retreat high above the claimed alaskan plateau I placed an ideal piece that complemets forgeworld in every angle without question. Inspired by Santa Fe city's art work and buildings, I wanted to create something that I to would love to own in reality but unfortunately can not afford. Cubicado retreat was originally designed smaller as well as inclosed untill the final touch ups i realized that there was more potential lacking there of, so I opened it. Gazing out into the vast beautifully designed world of Halo, ideas were popping up into my head faster than spam emails. I struggled to keep up with them at first, I just had to keep the same consistent pattern of contemporary art, thus the project progressed. Next, I needed a little more aesthetics, something that would be very complementary and used as art placed throughout the layout so that players can enjoy all the diverse aspects of halo. what better way than to use inclines as abstracts? haha i know many of you out there use them, I love them myself! this is what i came up with. Out of all the time spent creating this piece, there was one thing that I completely forgot about! GAMEPLAY! OOHH $#@! It was looking far to beautiful to restart, I had to come up with something. I invited a few friends to join in so that I could get some opinions. It was not easy, not even for the ones who spend all of their time in MLG. Even now, it is still in question if this map is worthy, but there are weapons, healthstations, and 2 pairs of armor abilities (2 sprint, 2 evade) 1 in each corner. The weapons are of the following with their intiial for placement locations: Assault Rifle: A.R 4-default settings DMR: 2-default settings Pistol: P 2-default settings Plasma Pistol: P.P 2-default settings Needler: N 1-60 second spawn time, 2 clips Sniper: S 2-120 second spawn time, as is (no additional clips) weapon locations: Health station locations: armor locations: the sundries are located as depicted in the pictures above. that just about sums it up! hope you enjoy my latest art work, please comment. I need all the input I can get inorder to improve thnx!
i think that the bird's eye view of the map really doesnt do it justice. the map is really interesting and i personally like how different it is. ive never seen the 4x4 talls used as abstract buildings before. this really looks smooth and neat with some thought gine in to the weapons and abilities on map. i would however change the map layout picture you have because p.p looks like R.P and the sniper (S) is nowhere to be found. i would suggest you tidy up the labels as well as: making the armor abilities marked with their icons instead of a letter marking power weapons (like sniper) in a different colour
I really like this map, mainly because its aesthetics are very well-made. However the diamond glass floor piece (the railings and columns that total $3000) causes a LOT of framerate lag when just passing by it.
Wow this map looks fantastic! When i first started looking at the pictures i just thought to myself, wow this guy just threw a bunch of blocks and **** together and called it a map. But then i looked at the rest of the pictures and reread the description, i began to like the map. It looks so much different than the usual map on this site, and it seems really cool to play on. I just downloaded it, but im unable to look at it now. The map looks really unique, and original. I am a bit worried about the $3000 diamond thingy you got goin on. i really hate fr lag, so if its a problem for me ill just delete it and put a regular block. Cant wait to try it out!
The railings cause way to much FR, but aside from that this seems cool. Are those stairs functional? they dont appear so, but i could be missing an invisible wall. if your going to make stairs they should work because nobody wants to walk up to stairs just to jump over them because they dont function like a ramp. Anyways could you possibly upload an overview without all the 4x4 talls in the way? thanks
My stairs always work lol, the ones in the back corner slow you down a bit as all stairs do that are nade mire than 4 high from my experience. The one thing I will fix asap will be the picture with weapon locations. And that will include deleting the blocks for better understanding. Thank you for the great comments so far! will be fixing the minor details and posting more pics soon!