Paladin v4 (Guardian) guard·i·an : one who looks after, protects, or defends pal·a·din : any determined advocate or defender of a noble cause Paladin is my 2nd recreational map. It is as accurate as possible with few alterations for the reach engine and is the closest yet. There is virtually no lag on split-screen, though a very good connection is required to host a lobby full. *Now supports Team slayer, Team Oddball, CTF, One Bomb, Team KOTH, Team Crazy King. ***I am currently looking for a diagram or video with locations of FFA Initial Spawns and I don't have Halo 3 anymore. I am unwilling to guess there locations. Overview: Sniper Ramp: [OLD] [NEW] Blue Room: [OLD] [NEW] Blue -> Gold Jump: [OLD] [NEW]
This actually looks like a fantastic remake. It looks like the best I've seen so far. I'll give it a download and see for my self though.
I really like the curved walkways at sniper. Most jsut use premade, though you did use a wall corner. It looks pretty good though.
Thx Dino Thx MCGreen, It was my clan leader's idea. I will try to continue to improve on it in the future. If you want you should hit me up on XBL sometime I'll show you some of the maps I designed for my clan. Always looking to improve through critic.
Woo another gaurdian Remake! Lolz Any1 remember that modded version of gaurdian in Halo3? Had Floating Birds, a Galaxy in The shotgun spawn and a Giant Ring going through The Level?? Was so epic!