Its awesome that you finally released it , seems you did add a few more neat things to it after the version I saw and messed around with you and equinox on. I love the scale of the map and the clean designs you added to it in general really make it stand out from your other maps, and maps in general. Theres alot of good things about this map and im happy with everything you put into it, definately deserves the communitys attention. Hit me up when you get the chance sometime and I'll show you how far i've gotten on my project so far .
By far your best map yet. You seem to be one of those forgers that keeps getting better every map, whereas most forgers are either hit-or-miss or up-and-down in quality. However, I did have some problems with the map. Like I said before, the map encouraged camping the sniper spawn, and it was a very viable option to hold that area alone. Did you take my suggestion and find somewhere else to move the sniper? If you haven't, I would recommend putting it in a more open area sitting against a wall. I was looking for a map that played something like this for a long time, and I finally found it. I've only been in a few of your testing sessions for this map, but I'd imagine this map to play extremely well in 1v1, probably better than it did in the 2v2 games we had. I'd imagine it to play a lot like Zealot. I'd say that right now you'd be one of the best non-MLG forgers out there right now, along with Noxiw, Urban Myth, Zombievilan, and (For 2v2, at least) Stevo. I had to say this, but Rorak is a ****ing warrior. How he eats so many shots is beyond me. Lastly, if you're wondering why I haven't been on lately (I'd assume you saw my message, though), my Xbox controller broke and I refuse to use my many wireless controllers with loose buttons. It'll probably be another month at the very least before I can get online again.
I just mean that most people tend to leave old maps behind somewhat once they start on a new one, so after it is tested and posted and a new map is started the creator barely ever brings it up again to play. Try not to stop playing this after you start testing a new project is all I am saying.
Thanks man, that means a lot. And yes, I did take your advice and put the sniper on the bottom level of the map. You were right, it was easy to camp with the sniper in the location it was in, I completely agree. So now it's on the bottom level of the map sitting up against a wall...All alone.. Thanks again. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ahhh, now I understand. I do like this map a lot. I like it much better than Elysium and basically all of my other maps. So, I don't see why I couldn't play this again. I am a MM guy and customs aren't really my thing, but I will try to keep playing the maps I make. I just like forging, I don't mind not playing on my maps.
I got one game on this map and I think it was the very first test but that was the only game I've gotten! This is definitely another good step away from your earlier symmetrical maps that only focused on aesthetics and you managed to combine your good aesthetics of old with the good design concepts that you began to focus on with Elysium. The only big addition I see is the camo platform/walkway and I like the addition. Great job Eightball! We need to make sure I get some more games on this sometime.
This is a good map. It has a very definitive style that you've been practicing since you first created Elysium, one that I've seen on your more recent projects as well. I believe I've already said this to you elsewhere, Eightball, but I'll say it again. Take it to the next level. You have the potential, the creativity, and now I believe you have the experience. I want to see something that will blow my mind.
Wow all I can say is this map is fantastic. I remember playing on it and getting destroyed while playing you and Equinox in 2v2, cant remember my partner anyway. Back to the map, I feel that the aesthetics are great and they give the map a single theme that makes everything work and feel perfect. I will say that I miss the water that was in the map, bu tnow is covered up by rocks. It would have given the feel of it actually being a Mirage of water like in the desert which is what I get out of this map. Gameplay alone though is pretty good as well, which means this map has a purpose to play and that is why I will be downloading this amazing map.
Hey man, I'm a big fan of Elysium so I downloaded this immediately and had a few matches on it. I like it a lot, my only question is regarding the camo platform. What was the thinking behind only having it acessible via the teleport? I don't intrinsically hate that area of the map, I just wondered if it should have had a more 'normal' way up too, like a ramp or shield door lift.
Thanks man, I'm glad you like it. As for the camo platform, I purposely made only one way up because I wanted it to be harder to get an advantage over your opponent(s). Making only one way up will force players to move around the map more. So, if they're on the side with the active camo and not on the side with the sender node, they will have to run to the other side of the map to pick it up, giving them an advantage over their opponent, or giving them a disadvantage by having to move along the whole map. @ Everyone else. Thanks for the help, comments, and constructive criticism. You all have helped me a lot in making my maps better and I really appeciate the kind words.
Ok, yeah I did like the way you could see the camo from one side of the map, but had to cross the whole thing to pick it up. And having the teleporter spawn on a delay is really clever, I want to steal that idea for myself. I just wasn't sure about that ledge basically because in one of the 1v1s i've had, my friend got the sniper rifle and stood on that ledge and I had a pretty bad time removing him from it cuz he's a good shot and I ran low on grenades. Then I went through the teleporter except he was behind it and assasinated me. I guess this has gone from me talking about Mirage to me talking about how I suck at 1v1 but I hope you understand my point?
I definitely understand where you're coming from. My initial concern was the fact that the camo platform was going to be overpowered, but in recent games it proved to be a spot of less interest in a 2v2 and more interest in a 1v1. This map is good for 1v1, but it's even better for 2v2. Also, you can't see someone go through the tele when you're on the camo platform, so you shouldn't have had too much trouble getting up there safely.
Hello, I have to say this looks really good. There are a few areas that remind me of remakes I have worked on. Its the choice of pieces. I also like the same . The map looks great and I like the look of the areas. And use of inclines and variations in height. I haven't checked this out personally. But I will be on this map soon.
Ahh Mirage, where the elite fleet meet. I liked this layout and object pairing, it makes me wonder what your next step in advancement will be. Anyways thanks for another great map!
After playing two serious games (a 4 man FFA and a 2v2) and one "map exploration" game, here is my feedback, starting with what I liked: -Great aesthetics, simple layout, and clean forging. The rocks crumbling through the busted wall looked awesome. -Dual Spikers (there were two right? I'm pretty sure there were, but my memory is foggy on this point) balanced the CP nicely. -Camo ledge wasn't as bad as expected and added some flavor to the map. Things I disliked: -It was incredibly easy to predict spawns (DUCK NG was on the receiving end of being hit with grenades as soon as he spawned 3 times during the 2v2) and no one dared venture to the bottom floor unless the sniper or CP spawned, then it was a rush back up to high ground. -Stagnant game-play that was a result of the dominating 2nd level. It seemed that players had high probabilities of spawning on the 2nd level as well, which goes back to my point about easy spawn prediction. If you were on one side of the 2nd level, the enemy would almost always spawn on the opposite side of the 2nd level. This made grenade spam constant as it made sense to toss grenades to the other side when you knew an enemy was going to respawn. -As I said above, the Camo ledge wasn't as over-powering as expected, but it was annoying if someone sat on the receiver node while camo'd (if no one saw them pick it up) so they could try and get a free assassination without fear of anyone popping up behind them. I really think this map would be better suited to 1v1 gameplay, as everything felt too cluttered and constant, with absolutely not breaks or lulls in action for you to regroup or plan a strategy once things got messy. This is far from a bad map, but I sort of expected more to say the least.
It's not a FFA map...It's a 2v2/1v1 map. The sniper spawns on the bottom level of the map so, top couldn't possibly be overpowering. As for the camo spawn, I agree that could pose a problem, but it hasn't it all of the games I've had. Also, isn't that the point of active camo? It's SUPPOSED to give you an advantage over your opponent. Some things I agee with you about, but I think your feedback is a bit too over-thought.
I got to view the map and I simply loved the layout of it, the only thing I disagree with is the cloak location and the amount of pathways to that location. Seems to me that spot could be used and abused for it has good lines of sight and only one way up. I would consider changing it by creating tactical jumps to that location so that area doesn't become a problem. Other than that you already have my DL. Keep up the good work
Well, I purposely made only one way up. I wanted there to be a challenge to get up there for such a prize that it made players constantly move around the map. Besides, with good teamwork, no one stands a chance of holding down the camo spawn due to its open nature.
Wow, when I first played Mirage I said to myself "It's good, but it's no Elysium..." And yet I was totally wrong! Mirage has really grown on me, I think it might even surpass Elysium (but only just!) The Spikers are a great choice, the pillar layout stops the Sniper from overpowering the whole map, whilst still allowing some interesting lines of sight. And the delayed teleporter node is inspired! I feel hella dumb for never thinking of that one on maps where the teleporter could give an early advantage, I've always just scrapped the teleporter in frustration! Bravo, man! It's a majorly great map!
Yeah the delayed sender node was cool. Very elegant solution and it shows that you actually thought 'hang on people will just immediately flank with it' and then came up with a way to stop that.