Evade master If you think your good at jumping, test your skills but with a little twist..EVADE! This map is very hard and will take some time to complete. So don't rage lol. *Remember* you can get more distance if you evade backwards. Some jumps require you to go backwards. Where you spawn.. Second part Last part
I made it to first checkpoint and killed myself when I shot the fusion coil. I spawned outside the map and couldnt get back. Can you fix that please?
This is a really challenging and fun course and all, but.. It would have been REALLY nice if you could have made the Oddball at the end actually grabbable.. Three of my friends and I spent about 5 hours finishing this course only to find that when you're at the top, you can't pick up the skull :\. If you could fix that for future people, that'd be great. Nice design though.