GHOST TOWN & EPITAPH (REMAKES) Please note: ghost town is published, epitaph will be out shortly. Hello all, I haven't posted or published maps for a while now, I have been forging and have been working on a number of maps, the main 2 are Ghost Town, that I started yesterday and Epitaph that I started a few weeks ago. 1 Month later and I have been getting closer to finishing both maps. Recently I have been working on Ghost Town. There is still a lot to be measured although I feel my sizing is fairly close going off screenshots. And all the doorways and most of the path ways are present. There are some extravigant structures and aesthetics, the first room costs atleast a quater of the budget, and with the size of this map I am not sure where to cut and where to get looking as accurate as possible....obviously I want everything to look right and accurate, but there will definitly have to be some sacrifices... I am also going to publish 2 versions to try and keep everyone happy and keep the map playable, I have been testing split screen throughout this production to ensure it is playable for me and my bro. The aesthetic version will definitly be a full budget, and the lesser version will be made after it is complete exchanging the aesthetics and blocks for col walls. It is feeling close to completion and I am eagerly awaiting completion so I can run some tests and customs on this. some pics: Spoiler Epitaph These pictures are a little old and have been updated and this is 75% complete, It has been called Lagitaph as There is framerate issues and why I paused on the re-make. Will update pictures in a couple of days. There is also a lot more I have been working on, I have put these together so I don't flood the boards, Each map, should be possible to finish but will be close to a full budget. There are new pictures of Epitaph up. I will continue working on both and they should be ready for testing soon.
i like how the Ghost Town remake looks like it will prob be a great remake and Lagtiph or something looks Like it a bit so hurry them up so we can play on them
Thanks, appoligies for rushed post, the pc I was using was crashing so I posted with new maps not posted. The lagitaph is nearly done. I only started ghost town yesterday and have probably put 4 hrs in so far. I have tried to make each area noticable and happy with my work so far. Thanks.
You're a great forger, but I think you need to stray away from the re-makes. While the ones you have chosen haven't been done many times, I think that your creativity and be stretched farther from Bungie-made maps. Also, I can see there being quite a bit of FRL on the Epitaph re-make. You might want to be careful. Goodluck my friend.
Wow these are great! i only saw a quick look at epitaph a loooong time ago when you first started, but it definltey got alot better. I love how you went all out and added the whole bottom half of epitaph which i havent ever seen done before. Ghost town looks great to. Just send me a message or invite me when you wanna test! Also, like eightball said, i think you should hold off on the remakes for a bit. The remakes you have now are fantastic, but i dont think nearly as fun as some of your original stuff. (although a decent epitaph remake was needed) Cant wait to see what else you coem up with!
This. Also, I think it's cool that you implemented the long pillar that it rests on. Really adds to the feel of Epitaph.
@eightball There is lots of fr on epitaph, if it is posted it will keep name lagitaph. I have forged few others but haven't finished. I understand going over 7500 budget causes lag problems. I like making remakes as they are tried and tested maps that play well and have been enjoyed & played by many. The first map I published was a remake. The spire , saw and mk have all been revamped too for updated versions!
Well, I go over 7500 budget all the time and have hardly encountered much FRL. FRL consists of lots of things- Mostly lights reflecting off of glass. Just try to avoid lights, glass, and long lines of sight. There are other things that are factors, but I'm not going to get into it. I did enjoy your previous works compared to your re-makes, btw.
They worked in H3..there's no telling if they'll work in Reach. And going over $7500 has absolutely no direct correlation with frl.
Thank you, look forward to putting them out. @nibs I agree there have been maps with max budget with no lag. I find I usually Get problems at 7500+ on remakes. I understand how to fix problems with lines of sight using less objects in visual sight , col Walls can help. Is just my opinion on where I tend to experience problems.
I don't see why you would knowingly release a map that lags with framerate. That seems ignorant. Also, I'm still in the mindset of "if I want to play that map, and have as much fun as in halo 3, I'll play halo 3". I mean, why would i want to play your map? Reach is a worse game. The logic just seems silly in my opinion. It's because of that, that I completely agree with eightball. Your talents are going to waste. You might get some downloads, and the support of others that lack in creativity, but you will never really shine as a forger until you think for yourself and implement your own ideas. /2 and a half cents.
I am starting to realise why I haven't posted maps. I understand placing my work on forums will have all kinds of comments and opinions. I am happy with my path remaking. I have made many other styles of maps and have published maps in almost every different catagory. Race, infection, competitive, invasion , aesthetic and remakes. I have shown I am not just about remakes. I feel there is nothing wrong in what I forge, and I have never intentionally put maps out with fr problems. I and friends I have shown liked the name lagitaph, people with a scence of humour got it. There are to many try hard opinions on fr on many of my map posts. I do appreciate opinions, but sometimes hearing same thing on every post is becoming a really old record. Thanks for comments and opinions.
The Ghost Town remake looks really nice. I can see why the Epitaph lags a lot though. Just from the pictures you gave us, I see an abundance of objects with lights on them. The three that popped out at me are Corner, 2x2s; Bridge, Larges; and Corner, 45 Degree. There's a lot of other items that have those little lights too, and they are one of the biggest contributors to framerate lag. You can just replace those objects with other objects though, especially Bridge, Larges can be replaced with Bridge, Mediums or Bridge, Smalls since they don't have lights on them.
The epitaph looks a bit.. (Can't find the word. I mean there's lots of pieces with edges everywhere). The ghost town looks good so far, the intertior looks great and the glass covers look really good.
Thank you, I am away and am unable to show where epitaph is at right now, but agreed there is a massive object density in parts. There are so many problems with that remake. The main problem is the mancanons in the lower section of inner map. I forged the cannon on another map and there were clear problems. Ghost town on the other hand seems really good so far although at tgis stage of budget I usually encounter problems. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks, appreciate advice, and definitly good points,and objects to avoid thanks