IF YOU LIKE BRAINS, SHOTGUNS AND KILLING ZOMBIES THAN THIS IS THE MAP FOR YOU! Brought to you by Naddsson. The map is called: "Zombie Arena". It's a very small map whit two floors, I recommend playing it whit as many people as possible because then it can become quite hectic and chaotic.
I think this map should be bigger, having more levels of the map because i was playing this with 6 other people and there's a lot of spawn camping for the zombies and also humans can just camp on both ramps and watch the corners when the zombie spawns, so the zombies are stuck on the first level of the map. My suggestion is just having more floors going up and down so the humans have more options where to go, and also spreading out the zombie spawns, maybe having vents in the building where the zombies can choose where they want to go and also what floor they want to go on.
i like the look , it looks so dark and evil like "scary" but ya its small and zombie camping happens alot , too easy