
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Dj Not Nice XD, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. Dj Not Nice XD

    Dj Not Nice XD Forerunner

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    Cracked my 2nd or 3rd map i made so far i tried to put it in a place no one else has forged before.
    x10 plasma grenades
    x1 Energy
    x2 focus rifle
    x2 sniper rifle
    x10 DMR
    x1 rocket launcher
    x1 concusion rifle
    x2 shotguns
    x2 plasma launcher
    x2 plasma pistol
    x2 magnum
    x2 needle rifles
    x1 needler
    x3 plasma repeaters
    x2 grenade launcher
    x4 default warthogs
    x2 ghosts
    x4 machine gun turents
    x2 plasma turents
    I know seems like alot but i need some feed back first so i could know what to delete or move
    Red Base[​IMG]

    Ok now with health packs
    i also wish to test the map anyone who would like to help me please send me a message on xbox or on here it doesnt matter
    #1 Dj Not Nice XD, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2011

    OTT2RAPEU Forerunner

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    Looks pretty sweet and forged in a really cool spot that hardly anyone forges in. Downloading!! P.S. - LMFAO on your other post!! =D That was really funny, but dont worry my first post was a disaster like that too lol! Glad to see your getting in the swing of things now, fellow Texan.. lol :) [ Forgot to mention that you should delete that other post real soon because your not suppose to post the same map twice,but im sure you will get that taken care of. ]
    #2 OTT2RAPEU, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2011
  3. Dj Not Nice XD

    Dj Not Nice XD Forerunner

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    Thank you very much i chose to do it there because i have never seen any map made there! i made the blue side a little bit more armored or slightly more fire power because there a little disadvantege on the blue side youll notice red side is on higher ground!! haha :)
  4. DarkRicochet117

    DarkRicochet117 Forerunner

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    Tried it out and it was fun but the level is pretty sloppy in my opinion, but that is just me. Otherwise good job, it fits pretty well with a good amount of players and the way you built the level was pretty unique.

    I'm no expert though, so other people might have a very different opinion...
  5. Dj Not Nice XD

    Dj Not Nice XD Forerunner

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    i never actually played it with alot of people just with like 4 :/ thanks for testing it for me i just wana know what was it weapon placements or what??
  6. DarkRicochet117

    DarkRicochet117 Forerunner

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    I'm just a perfectionist and I noticed little things weren't straight and didn't connect right with the level. Like I noticed alot of objects glitching whenever you move around, but when you stop moving the object looks normal. Idk, it's just me, I'm "nit-picky" about that kinda stuff, so ignore me. It's a good level.
  7. Dj Not Nice XD

    Dj Not Nice XD Forerunner

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    i havent got any glitch but its because i havent played it with much people how many people did you have when you were playing it???
  8. DarkRicochet117

    DarkRicochet117 Forerunner

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    When I started it was 6 but then all my friends, and my friend's friends joined and it went up to 14.
  9. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I played here and the map was no fun. The falcons had zero room to fly! And whoever had the revenant bossed it up. And once again, too many power weapons! Fix it dude!

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