The Ravine

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Xxteroronwheels, May 15, 2008.


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  1. Xxteroronwheels

    Xxteroronwheels Ancient
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    The Ravine: As battle grew more intense between the UNSC and the Covenant, the UNSC needed new training facilities. Spartans were being sent on suicide missions deep into the enemy territory. Due to the Covenants superior numbers and the intelligence of the Elites they were using the geography of the battle field to destroy the Spartans. UNSC was at a lose at what to do. One man whos name is unknown stepped up to the plate and started to design these training facilities. He created a ravine to help the Spartan trainies get used to using geography as a weapon. Just jumping through the area and running around in this ravine was not enough. The Spartans needed battles. The spartans created a game called SWAT. SWAT was a semi safe game where headshots are the only things used to get kills. As more and more replicas of "The Ravine" were erected around earth Spartans got better and better at SWAT. They then took this much needed training into battle and after many years won the war against the Covenant.

    Supported Game Types: Team SWAT, Slayer, and Team slayer
    Recommended Players: 2 - 4 mainly 2v2 SWAT sorry for the six is was a mistype
    Weapons When not playing SWAT:
    There are no Grenades besides that with which you start with.



    I wanted to create a fast paced SWAT map. I decided to make a ravine styled map. Heres how I made it. I turned double boxes upsidedown and made a base for the Ravine three double boxes long and 3 rows of them all interlocked for no cracks. I then added rows of double boxes going up like steps on both sides with equal height. There are four steps or raises in the rows on each side. I merged single boxes in between the doubles so that no cracks could be seen. The ravine has barriers Symetricaly placed so that the cover is fair. On the very top part of the ravine window panels are placed with barrels on the end for cover. Spanning the ravine there is a brigde that is 2 bridges wide with one going across at the end then 2 more brides going to the other side spaced so that pallets could be placed in between the space. You can break the pallets and fall to the ravine floor. The ravine is enclosed one side by double walls and foundy, and the other by fence boxes. From a certain point you can look out and see the word SWAT spelled outside the Ravine.

    Here are some pics. They are pretty self explanetory, but ill try to describe them the best I can

    The picture above shows one side of the ravine and some of the bridge spanning it. Next some over veiws.



    The next two pics show a look into the ravine


    This pic shows the attacker side from the other side of the ravine

    This is a view of the other side

    Thanks for looking at my pics. If you like this map DL it, and give it a review on bnet and maybe a post there too. Anyway I hope this map and map post appeals to you and if you have any suggestions plz feel free to post them here. Also on the outside there are objects. I used money glitch to make this map, so i wanted to leave some objects left over so i could make some changes. Here are too more links to the Gametype and map so you dont have to rescroll that big wall. Thanks for reading my post. If there are anymistakes let me know and ill fix them, it is only my second map post

    #1 Xxteroronwheels, May 15, 2008
    Last edited: May 15, 2008
  2. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Great and unique map!
    Good job interlocking and good job by finally posting a team swat map!
    Cannot wait to play!
  3. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    good post. very nice i like the idea. looks very neat maybe ill dl a bit later.

    a few sugestions... to make it look neater you may want to put the bridges upside down.

    and this would make it look nice and would make (inmy opinion) better.. instead of pitting the barriers try using walls merged into then boxs.. i hope youtake these ideas and use them.

    good job 3/5
  4. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Looks decent and has a good idea. But, it's lacking in something....cover. Yes, there is A decent ammount of barriers( maybe too many?) but I think it could use a little more variety. Add some tunnels or something and different types of cover. Until then, only 3/5.
  5. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    this map looks very cool! i really like how the whole map is towards the top instead of close to the ground. it gives it a brand new look so that one forgets they are on foundry. looks very cool and awesome, perfect for swat, but like the cheat said maybe a little bit more tunnel type stuff. great job!
  6. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    looks great imo
  7. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
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    Looks cool i like the barrier maze. Will DL
  8. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Looks great. I love Team Swat and this looks perfect
  9. Xxteroronwheels

    Xxteroronwheels Ancient
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    Ill definatly try to make the cover more variy, but can you guys play it first, then see how it plays and get back to me. I dont want to go in and just chang the cover id like to have more to fix before i do a V2

    Here are some of my ideas

    For the very bottom level or bottom 2 i might use the walls outside that spell SWAT and the left over wall corners to make a tunnel. The tunnel will take up most of the very lower part of the ravine and have a few bends in it. There will still be a slope to the very bottom, but just less.

    Another is to add some left over pallets that people can get behind, and crates on the bridge for more cover. if there is still not enough variety, i wotn have much bojects left ill see what else i can do.
    #9 Xxteroronwheels, May 15, 2008
    Last edited: May 15, 2008
  10. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Definately a very well constructed map. Amazing use of merging and interlocking to create a nice sloping effect, but 2-6 players? When I looked at this map in person I thought to myself it would get crowded with 4-5, but 6....
  11. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    looks awesome! the interlocking and terrace layout is awesome, and I would think the map should play well. But, I think the ravine will be under used, as going down there is most likely death, especially in SWAT gametypes. I guess you intended for that? Personally I would prefer if the bridges did not connect (above the ravine) and did not have much cover. So it is a position of power, but can still be take out.
  12. Xxteroronwheels

    Xxteroronwheels Ancient
    Senior Member

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    so a broken brigde? sounds cool
  13. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
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    Swat isnt my favorite nor least favorite game, but this looks like a good 4-6 player swat map.
  14. d3adly ninja

    d3adly ninja Ancient
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    i was thinking of doing something like this never got around to it though. i just want to know what happens when you fall in the ravine?
  15. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    awsome map, very good interlocking, it looks like its all one piece. Also very cool how you used the interlocking. Good job on this one
  16. Xxteroronwheels

    Xxteroronwheels Ancient
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    The whole map is a ravine so there is nothing to really fall into you play inside it.
  17. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    whats on the floor?
  18. Xxteroronwheels

    Xxteroronwheels Ancient
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    the bottom of the ravine is what you see in the pics
  19. Xxteroronwheels

    Xxteroronwheels Ancient
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    Ive been thinking of things to do and ive desided to make a V2. It will have the same name though and probaly get finished sometime this weekend. I have to finish two tournaments im playing in first though.
  20. Defiler47

    Defiler47 Ancient
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    IMO the barriers make it look sort of sloppy. Maybe interlock some objects instead.

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