Station 52 is a competitve bigteam battle map that works great for both slayer and objective gametypes. This map uses some vehicles with the perfect blend of power weapons to give the map stability and keep each game interesting. Recomended for 8-16 players. Feel free to send feedback about the map or gameplay.
Thanks for the information. I was unsure why I couldn't get the main picture to work and also didn't know I needed three pictures.
looks good. try using the left thumbstick button to fuse items cleaner together. if u did this, it would make the map so much nicer. besides that, looks good. maybe alittle bit more cover in the outside areas?
Thanks for the input, I have tried the left thumbstick and there were some areas that I still haven't been able to get just right. Where exactly would you suggust puting cover, I was considering it but never recieved input for that. However cover was not that big of an problem in the playtests I did but I do understand how it could increase the playability. B Retts Legacy