A ship of the accursed, this pirate vessel appears as a ghost of the night sky. Halo Reach Infection Map -- Neptune's Hangman (Pirate Ship)‏ - YouTube Neptune's Hangman is an infection map that pulls inspiration from maps from the days of Halo 3, such as the Flying Dutchman and Spooky House. A flying ghost ship, Neptune's Hangman is great arena for your zombie killing needs. It is set up to function with all possible infection gametypes, (however, due to budget constraints, there is no weapons on the map, so gametypes with weapon pickup are not recommended) no matter the amount of starting zombies, haven settings, etcetera. (I recommend Bungie's own Alpha Zombies gametype.) This map began as a random idea that just hit me one afternoon. I thought, "Hey, the first map I ever played on Sandbox back in Halo 3 was a pirate ship map. I also remember playing a lot of Spooky House. All the pirate ships I have seen haven't been that good. I bet I could create a fusion of a pirate ship and Spooky House." That was it. I looked at a few reference photos, and away I went. Here is my walkthrough of my creation: Halo Reach Infection Map -- Neptune's Hangman Walkthrough‏ - YouTube Screenshots: People often ask me my rationale for making the ship float up in the air. I wanted to preserve that Sandbox "Sky Bubble" feel, and it is a ghost ship after all! (Use you imagination ) Overview (ROLLOVER): [mouseoverimage=http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/5151/hangmanoverview2.jpg]http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/9650/hangmanoverview.jpg[/mouseoverimage] TO THE ACTION SHOTS! Boarders inbound. Airborne Buccaneer. All hands on deck! Jolly Roger. Below deck. Screwed. Bonus Video!Halo Reach Forge Timelapse - Neptune's Hangman‏ - YouTube Thanks: __________ Troubleshooting: Porlarta __________ Feedback: Porlarta iflod101 Its Mitchell RifleGaming Jamond Aroth __________ Playtesting: Porlarta Dahaka 42 OMG itz Arbetur iflod101 Tha Fates DOWNERxSOxFRESH Grub Rising Toxic Navy Seal Poche 93 Its Mitchell NOCamp1ng brunobrumster J3RAD1997 Jamond Aroth Spetsnaz Kane DANETREX RotaryAardvark5 thatforeignkid ZI Crusader IZ ERIC1999 a zombie pizza Fox8721 BORAX UNIT 911 Deadlybeast225 Tj199616 the warlord475 Dom1n1c4n TMG Aggressions Legend of Rawr NRT Razgriz
No plank? and you call this a pirate ship. Haha just kidding (or am I?) I love the looks of this map and from the video looks like a great time... as usual. Got a DL from me!
A very great idea for an infection map. I've played it with some of my friends and we all loved it, the map is very equaled out and humans actually use teamwork which infection maps suppose to have.
Really neat, love the promo video! I would say cannon ports would have been cool too (perhaps teleporter frames?) but then again it looks like you ate into your budget with all those decorative pieces. Will definitely have to download.