Do you own any? I do myself. Here are some pictures. Ruger .22 .223 Rifle (5.56) Remington 870 (12 GA) 357 Revolver. Colt .45 M1911 (Sorry if some of them are oriented weird, the camera I was using was a POS IPhone one. None of them were ever pointed at me during the picture taking process.) So guys, do you own any firearms yourself? Include pics if you can.
Just for this, I dug through a box containing stuff from my childhood. Tremble at the might of my rifle. Spoiler
I have a ruger 10/22 with 3-9x scope and 100 round drum clip. It doesn't have the greatest accuracy but it's just fun to shoot. I'll post pics later.
12 gauge pump shotgun and a 30.06 that I got from my grandpa. The rifle has a nice militray tip from back in the day that reduces recoil.
Well, I don't own an actual gun but I have some Airsoft Guns and or BB Guns. I managed to buy this. Also, I recieved this as a gift from my uncle. Personally, both are very amazing guns and I love them both. I usually go around with some friends and just have a blast shooting them. On another side note, I shot some real guns at a firing range if that counts. They allowed me to shoot a 12-Gauge Shotgun (I believe a Remington Model) an MP5 SWAT Standard-Issue (I Think). Exceptional choice in firearms. My father owned one before he met my mother. >
My grandad had an MP5 while he was in SWAT. Never got to shoot it though. And yes, the Colt 1911 is, well, sexy as hell.