Useful Forge Tricks

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Maxwell360, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    This is a thread where anybody can post their tips/tricks that they have ingeniously uncovered in forge. You must also have a step by step guide on how to do it and a picture for it to be posted.

    NOTE: Some of the techniques below will require prior knowledge of the Forging101 topics.

    Avoiding the Item Limit

    Guide by:Gravedigger5454

    There is already a Forge 101 about glitching to get unlimited budget, however if you use it, you'll get the message "cannot spawn object, two many on map" soon after running out of budget when you try to spawn an object, this message also often appeared in the old maps, but I don't know how to avoid it there. I have figured out how to avoid this, so you can place the max amount of each object, if needed. To do this, you're going to want to start with a pre-glitched money canvas, to make things a little easier to start out. There's going to be one of each object starting in the back of Foundry, you must not delete any objects for now, just move them out of the way if you don't need them, even if you spawn them accidentaly.

    Now, just go along, building your map. Once you start to have a lot of objects on your map, start to save and quit often, if you need to perfect the angle of some floating objects while doing this, it'd be a good time to do so. As you get near the completition of your map, start to delete any object you know for sure you'll never use. If you save and quit/delete enough, each object deleted should allow you to place about 10-20 new objects after saving and quiting, so long as you are careful not to run in to the item limit. You must save very often, and count the objects placed after each save, if you run into the item limit, end the game. Now, your going to have to go back in and place one less object then you did last time, delete one object you don't need, and then save and quit. Now you'll be able to place more objects.

    This technique does require a lot of work, however I found it very useful in a new competitive map I just created, as it allowed me to place enough spawn points, seperate flags for one flag and multi flag, as well as other features for other modes, and completely block off the level. If your going to be using a lot of objects, and plan on making a very detailed map, it can be worth the time it takes. I have so far, only found this "unlimited items glitch" to work on Foundry, and with the unlimited budget glitch active as well. I am not sure if there are any other conditions where it could be useful or work.

    Elevator Shaft

    Guide by:G043R

    My elevator works off the main idea of objects respawning...meaning you placed things not to spawn at start as well as understand object time to which they respawn...there is a re engines section that talks about it... thats how I know about... it...

    I have made a few objects by this trick but one most noted is the elevator in Hotel Zanzibar...

    Its works of the idea of a grav lift pushing up a crate as well in 20 seconds a fusion coil falls to destroy the grav lift..

    You have to math it out or work this the triggers but grav lifts respawn exactly on time (10 seconds later)as well as fusion coils... so this math is simple to see...

    every 10 seconds a grav lift will spawn(causing the lift to go up) and every 20 a fusion coil will fall...

    making 10 second intervals of the elevator on a floor...

    to make the elevator stop, place a sender node at the top floor...

    I am going to one day make a topic on all the types of switches you could make with this relationship...but its not set to a fashion of this is how to do it... its math based

    (side note pics soon as well as thehippohunter worked with me the early ideas)

    Fence Turns


    Guide by:Superguh

    The fence turn is easier to do, because fences are thinner than walls, so vehicles can drive right over the bumps, whereas with walls you get stuck. For the fence turn just place two stairs (or angle something else, like a bridge), then lay a fence wall on top of it. Use the little rectangle in the center of the fence as your guide- you have to place a tiny bit more than 50% of the fence on the side of the stairs, or it will flip over and fall off. Once the fence wall becomes permanent, just repeat the process by putting another fence wall on top of the first one. The crossbeams on the fence (they make an x shape across the fence) will make a polygon shape with the fence below it. I try to make this shape identical each time I add a new fence to make the turn even.

    "Pits Of Death"


    Guide by: Maxwell360

    Pits of death are useful in many ways but those are for you to decide. First, fill the area that you want to be the "pit of death" with fusion coils but be sure to leave two. Then use the "raining fusion coils" technique to make the two remaing fusion coils spawn in the air and fall down into the pit to start the explosion.

    NOTE: Be sure to set all of the fusion coils to instant respawn so that the explosion never stops.

    Raining Fusion Coils


    Guide by:Maxwell360

    This is a very basic trick. Although there are many ways to do it, they are all generally the same and are useful when making "pits of death", minefields, or trying to simulte incoming missles.

    1. The first and possibly the easiest way to make a field of raining fusion coils is to first spawn a fusion coil and press (x) to bring up the menu. Then set the fusion coil to spawn at the desired time. Then throw the coil above the desired location of where you want it to land. Quickly shoot the fusion coil before it hits the ground and it will begin to spawn at the point where it was destroyed. Repeat as many times necessary.

    2. The next way is useful when you want to have multiple coils drop on the same location. First stack boxes or other objects to decent height (where when it falls, it goes BOOM). Than place the desired number of fusion coils atop the boxes and press (x) to bring up the menu. Then set the fusion coils to spawn at the desired time. Next, delete the objects that you stacked from underneath the coils. Now, the coils should be floating, just touch them with your "monitor/editor" and they will fall. They will then respawn from that height.

    Spawning During Normal Gameplay

    Guide by:Nemihara

    You can use destructible objects (pallets, fusion coils, grav lifts, etc) as switches. Basically, you set one fusion coil as {respawn on 180 secs, no to spawn at start}, and the other one as {respawn on 180 secs, yes to spawn on start}. Then you make the minimum one less than the maximum. That way, you can shoot the fusion coil, and another one will pop out. So now, with that lesson, I tried making a Warthog dispenser. Basically, I made a weapon holder/grav lift combo pin a warthog into a floating wall. Then, when I destroy a nearby fusion coil, another one drops in its place. It works neatly, and functions great.

    Using the "Door Method" Effectively to Merge

    Guide by:Scribner

    First rest an upside down door on top of a box. Notice how the door automatically sinks into the box. If you grab the box, it'll get forced below the door. I just grab and release and watch the box get pushed down by the door. Sink the door into the box a second time and click and release the box again and watch the box get pushed down again. Tada. You just sunk a box in only a matter of seconds without having to save and quit.

    What I do to place walls, boxes, and especially stairs aligned against a foundry wall without having that annoying gap that players can fall into, is just place the stairs against the foundry wall, push a door into the stairs, secured the stairs, then did a quick grab and release of the stairs. The stairs get pushed in and I'm done.

    Wall Turns


    Guide by:Superguh

    The wall turn is a lot more difficult. Again, start with the stairs/other angled thing. Now you have to place some sort of guide (I use a double wall) on top of the stairs. The guide should be in the same position where you want the wall to be below it, because now you have to merge a new section of wall with the sections you've already placed, and without the guide it will be nearly impossible to levitate your new wall in the right place. When levitating the new section of wall, slide it underneath the guide, then move above the guide to force the wall right up against it. This will put the new section of wall on the same plane as the rest of the turn. Again, I use the lines in the walls to help me make the turn regular. In the picture of the Wall Turn you can see the triangle I use the make sure I did it right.
    #1 Maxwell360, Mar 10, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2008
    chrstphrbrnnn likes this.
  2. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Very good idea! I don't have anything to add at this time, but I may in the future...
  3. MineForFish

    MineForFish Ancient
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    Those fence turns will help me on the racing map I just started. Thanks a bunch.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    This is a great idea. Let me fish up an old article I wrote...
  5. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    Thanks for the contributions and comments everyone!
    UPDATE: I have added the door technique by scribner and some fusion coil techniques.
    UPDATE: Added some fusion coil techniques!
    #5 Maxwell360, Mar 10, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2008
  6. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    nice even if i know all this but it will be useful for some noobs
  7. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
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    This is really good and helpful. I can't think of any tricks now, but i'll be sure to come back for some help!
  8. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    I have a few tips:

    Raining Fusion Coils Method 3:

    First spawn a BR.
    An easier way of making raining fusion coils is shoooting them is spawning one up and holding it directly over your head. Then press up on the D-Pad and shoot ASAP(As Soon As Possible).

    I find this way is more accurate.

    The perfect standing height:

    Place your floor/ceiling on top of stairs and the room will be able to be stood in but just barely. This provides a more claustrophobic enviroment in the map.
    #8 MNM1245, Apr 12, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2008
  9. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    Well, I have a small tip. If you can't quite get your wall/box/crate/etc to stand up without falling down, instead of letting go of it with a, just go back to player mode while still holding onto the object, and it may stand when it wouldn't when dropped

    edit: sorry if that was me that double/triple posted, not sure who that was directed towards
    #9 xxAl Capwnagexx, Apr 12, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2008
  10. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Please do not triple or double post, I am merging all your posts into one.

  11. furbyxxx

    furbyxxx Ancient
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    hate to be off-topic but i think that might of been the longest post in FH history.
  12. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I've seen longer.

    Thanks for the list, Maxwell. It's a great little guide, and the pics are great... I think I may have just been inspired to make a race map...
  13. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Maxing out on items has the unfortunate consequence of making your map unplayable, i.e. it won't load if you try to play a custom game.

    I ran into this problem on my soon-to-be-released map (codenamed "T-Bone", for those who have played the Beta). I didn't even go beyond the item limit and I still ran into map loading problems, even for 4v4 games!

    It was a nightmare at first but I got the map to work by deleting some of the scenery-style objects (barrels, road blocks, cones, etc). I soon got the map to load for everyone.

    Just because we CAN abuse the money canvas and item limit with work-arounds, does not mean we SHOULD. I learned this the hard way.

  14. Zap Happy

    Zap Happy Ancient
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    This helps a lot. Thank you.
  15. Ma5ter M

    Ma5ter M Ancient
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    Thanks, pretty useful
  16. Nicko

    Nicko Ancient
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  17. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    Thanks guys for giving me some praise on my guide. :)
  18. NaStY

    NaStY Ancient
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    We can abuse the item limit ?!?! How????
  19. chavet

    chavet Ancient

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    Great ideas i will try them
  20. Shadow Blink

    Shadow Blink Ancient
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    thanks for the tips!

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