One thing I thin kis that you should lock sig requests for now so that you can get the others done and then open it up so that you dont have such a burden on you... that is just a suggestion.
I know it's tough... lol I know it's really tough, but I'm not so sure about the speared grunt and the spartan shooting at him. I think that would be the really hard part. But otherwise, i think it would look really cool. Also, reynbow doesn't need to do a certain part of the signature. I'm open.
Hey so far whose sig that rey made was the best? I like mine but I think if the avalanche one had the text from mine it would be the best.
agreed. I like chipsinabox also. Maybe the worst one in his collection is only slightly better then mine! But, I'm just trying to help out, as he has 15+ sigs on his list, while I just finished up my list.
Lolz I should add a poll with all the current made sig and add to the poll as a sig is made, is that possible? That would be cool =P
idk, but that would be awesome. I would imagine all of them would get at least a few votes, since I don't think anyone could complain about any of them.
poor now... anyways, you can't edit a poll unfortunately...i am not sure if you can even remove the poll once its been made :-/ maybe you could have a yes/no poll saying "do you love Reynbow?" I am sure there would be lots of no
Hey Rey I want to make you a gift do you like this? If you do then I will make a similar one with a render of your choice! *EDIT* Here is your gift