Zion v 3.0

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by nopuntintended, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. nopuntintended

    nopuntintended Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Zion v 5.0


    Change Log

    • Rotated all center room geometry by 45 degrees in order to allow for better sight lines down the hallways
    • Removed the needlers
    • Moved the shotgun to the old Needler spawn on the top level of the side bases
    • Added plasma grenades to old shotgun spawn on the middle level of the side bases
    • Added color coding to the side bases
    • Moved central room grav lifts so that it would line up with the new location of the geometry
    • Changed some geometry to get rid of some Out-Of-Sight Z-fighting
    • Reduced the Concussion Rifles Spare Clips to 1



    Zion is an ancient Forerunner structure buried deep in a mountain. It was once a place for meditation and tranquility, now all that remains is war...

    Zion is my attempt at an indoor/enclosed arena. It was influenced by Midship, Citadel, and Orbital. It's basic layout is a circle with 4 bases and a central room. The 2 main bases have 2 levels, and the 2 side bases have 3. This map was originally designed for slayer, but has been edited to work with most gametypes.

    Weapon's List

    DMR: 6 (60 sec cd: 2 spare clips)
    Assualt Rifle: 2 (60 sec cd: 2 spare clips)
    Rocket Launcher: 1 (120 sec cd: 0 spare clips)
    Shotgun: 2 (90 sec cd: 2 spare clips)
    Sniper Rilfe: 2 (120 sec cd: 2 spare clips)
    Concussion Rifle: 2 (90 sec cd: 1 spare clips)
    Needle Rifle: 2 (60 sec cd: 2 spare clips)
    Plasma Pistol: 4 (45 sec cd)
    Plasma Repeater: 2 (60 sec cd)

    Frag Grenade: 12 (30 sec cd)
    Plasma Grenade: 12 (30 sec cd)

    Health Packs: 6 (45 sec cd)


    Central Room: Bottom Floor


    Central Room: Middle/Top Level

    Central Room: Middle/Top Level 2

    Red Base: Top Floor

    Red Base: Top Floor Chute

    Red Base: Bottom Floor to Hallway

    Red Base: Bottom Floor to Central Room

    Red Base Hallway: To Central Room

    Red Base Hallway: Teleporter

    Red Base Hallway: Corner

    Red Base Hallway: Red Base Entrance

    Side Base: Top Level

    Side Base: Grav Lift

    Side Base: Middle Level

    Side Base: Bottom Level

    Side Base: Bottom Level Blue Teleporter

    Side Base: Bottom Level Red Teleporter

    If anyone would like to help me with further testing on this map (or any of my other maps for that matter), just send me a msg online. My tag is: NoPuntIntended. Also, if you have any suggestions for improvements let me know. I could really use some help with 4v4 testing on this new release, as I have not been able to test the new features in a competitive environment. So if you play it with your friends, and you have room for a vid in your file share or even on youtube let me know.

    If you want to see what any previous versions look like, the pictures of Zion (v 3 and 4) are all in 1 album on photobucket.

    Pictures by nopunt - Photobucket

    Special Thanks

    grif otaged
    Knight Of 0rder

    #1 nopuntintended, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2011
  2. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    overall, the map is nicely designed. the central room is what catches my eye the most. I would however maybe change those tin cups a bit so they look more like planted grass.
  3. nopuntintended

    nopuntintended Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Do you mean something like this?


    And I can try to do that, however, I only have $20 currently left in the budget, so I'm probably going to have to change how I enclose the 4 hallways into the main bases so I have enough...I'll see what I can do...Thanks for the suggestion...
    #3 nopuntintended, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  4. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If I were you, I would merge the lights through the ceiling. Right now they are in plain sight, and they kind of take away from the map. They are kind of like killballs in the air. You see killballs on a lot of maps just floating in the middle of the air. It doesn't mean that you should throw a kill ball in the middle of the air in your map. It is kind of the same situation. You see a lot of lights just floating in the air on maps. It doesn't mean that you should leave the lights floating in air. It would make the map way more visually appealing if you merged the lights in the ceiling.

    I also agree with grif otaged. The grass looks a little random thrown in the middle of metal. You could try adding rocks around the grass to make a border. It would look different than most maps with "grass". Most of them put the "grass" in the circular ramps. It is starting to get old so try coming up with a new way to border the grass. If you need more money to add a border you could always get rid of the lights.

    If I were you, I would merge the lights through the ceiling. Right now they are in plain sight, and they kind of take away from the map. They are kind of like killballs in the air. You see killballs on a lot of maps just floating in the middle of the air. It doesn't mean that you should throw a kill ball in the middle of the air in your map. It is kind of the same situation. You see a lot of lights just floating in the air on maps. It doesn't mean that you should leave the lights floating in air. It would make the map way more visually appealing if you merged the lights in the ceiling.

    I also agree with grif otaged. The grass looks a little random thrown in the middle of metal. You could try adding rocks around the grass to make a border. It would look different than most maps with "grass". Most of them put the "grass" in the circular ramps. It is starting to get old so try coming up with a new way to border the grass. If you need more money to add a border you could always get rid of the lights.
  5. nopuntintended

    nopuntintended Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    First off, you accidentally double typed ur comment. Secondly, here's my first pass at a fix, I would have used more rocks, but I only had 8 left at this point. I'm still debating on whether leaving the inclines at this lvl (where u can just walk straight over them with no hindrance) or raising them 1 click so u have to jump. Let me know what you think. O and I merged the lights into the ceiling...

    #5 nopuntintended, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  6. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You should leave the inclines at the floor level. It gets annoying on maps if you have to jump over things to move. The grass looks way better than it did originally. It is not just merged into metal. Now it looks more like "planted grass". The rocks are a nice touch to the center. The grav lifts however look a bit awkward. You may want to try building a stand for the grav lift to sit on. Think of narrows, that map has aesthetics around the grav lifts to make the grav lifts really "feel" like part of the map. I think you should try something like that.
  7. nopuntintended

    nopuntintended Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I can try, but the lifts are set up at a certain angle so that you can get to either the 2nd level or the 3rd. And putting it on a stand might not work at all...i'll test it out and get back to you though...and again...im working on almost no budget...at the moment its at $10...

    So something like this for the grav lifts?


    Edited by merge:

    I'll be pushing out v 4.0 this weekend, so if you can think of any other changes to add to this version let me know...especially if u think I should change how i fixed the grav lifts...
    #7 nopuntintended, Aug 8, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  8. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Uh, I don't know if I like the banks. It might be better to keep the grav lifts how they were originally since you have no budget to work with.
  9. nopuntintended

    nopuntintended Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ok, I'll switch it back...yeah there isn't much I can do with $20 and 0 Building Blocks, 0 Natural Objects, and barely any of the rest of the types of objects.

    Edited by merge:

    ZION v 4.0 has just been released and all of the links have been updated. Also, the pictures have been updated to reflect the changes to the aesthetics of the map. A link has been provided if you wish to see the old version's photos. Also, I added Knight of 0rder and grif otaged to the Special Thanks for their ideas.

    The full list of changes in Zion v 4.0 are: Added anti spawns over bases to work only in objectives, filled in holes above the top level (in the central room) of both main bases, enclosed the "grass" to make it look planted, added 8 rocks in a circle with the grass, pushed lights between the top level and bottom level of both bases so that they are out of sight, reduced the max number of certain weapons and grenades on the map, added loadout cameras, fixed the stockpile gametype, and reduced the size of all flags and flag capture points to a 0.2 radius.
    #9 nopuntintended, Aug 11, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  10. the2hales

    the2hales Forerunner

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    First off, this map looks really interesting. I do, however, have a couple of comments...you should try color coding the side bases so that it's easier to figure out where you are on the map. Also, have you thought about changing the layout of the central room to provide better sight lines down the hallways? Like maybe rotating the central platform 45 degrees? Other then that, this map looks great. Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to your next map...
  11. nopuntintended

    nopuntintended Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I forgot to add the colors in v 4.0...and do you mean something like this to open up the hallways???



    and here's the color schemes for the side bases...



    O and due to the change in the central layout, I had to change some spawns (both initial and regular) to fix some spawning issues...

    Edited by merge:

    I need some help testing Zion v 5.0...so I can push out the new version this weekend...let me know if you want to help...send me a msg on xbl at NoPuntIntended or on here if your interested in helping me test...I would like to test it in a 4v4

    Edited by merge:

    Zion v 5.0 has been released and all pictures have been updated...Note the change log has been added to the main section...
    #11 nopuntintended, Aug 21, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011

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