I find it hilarious that people are getting their panties all up in a bunch out of this! I just thought it was a cool puzzle until I realized I didn't have the knowledge required to solve it, at which point I gave up and used my cheating connections to steal an answer from Stevo. Which I cared more about than the damn preview.
"OMG I don't understand this it must've been done just to spite me. I should get really upset because this is just Steve trying to hype of a map that's probably not as good as my super forge skills. Obviously he didn't do this to get the community something interesting to do, he was trying to attack us personally. Down with steve! Who's with me?" - _ -
It was actually a pretty cool code to decipher. Clearly quite some time was put into its creation. Stevo just needs to learn to cover his tracks. =P
So you delete all bracketed/yellow stuff, delete single line breaks, replace double line breaks with two spaces, then break the remaining text into strings of 8 characters and enumerate the strings? The scrambled text then references letters by first naming the string (one or two numbers), then the letter's position within the string (A-H)? This works for the h in http, but fails for the p (unsure how to handle letterless groups for the t's) since neither string 17 or string 7 contain a p at all... unless I'm handling spaces wrong? 3C = h, 52 = ?, 6H = t, 17A = a... maybe I'm just a big derp.
Very nice steve, i saw the screenshot. The door is cool, but i especially like the wall. Its pretty epic. Cant wait to see what you did with the layout and overall feel of the map. Also from what ive seen from this and diadem, i highly recommend adding some more color. Just change the color of most blocks or just throw in some braces or the sides of the y platforms to add some color to your map. Other then that, im pretty stoked to see all of it. Hit me up for testing to!
mmmhmmm but yes, if you failed to get the p, I think you are handling the spaces wrong. However, you don't delete the bracketed text from the answer, you just ignore them from the indexing. Edit: I just checked the answer. I'm so fail, I typo'd >.< You have the spacing correct! I just amended the code string. /somuchfail/doublepalmface/life. Evidently, I am the big derp. But yeah, you should be able to fill out the rest of the code, as what you have is correct, now that I removed my typo which had catastrophic effect. Silly steve is silly.
Maybe if he stopped advertising it EVERYWHERE he'd get a little more attention. I actually went back and tried my hand at the code last night. Pleased to say, I failed miserably. Did it take long to come up with it?
Nah...Well tbh, I use this type of encryption stuff for a lot of things... so it only took me around 3 hours or so to write it out. Basically, I select an index (or Enumerator as the code refers to it as) which is just a measure of characters or bits that get placed into a chunk. So for the code, you take all characters of the string (ignoring the orange parts) and put them into sections of 8. If it was done correctly, you'd start counting from 0 (but I started from 1 like a normal numerical system to prevent people from being too confused. The next part is having the code identify those sections and again, to prevent further confusion I just kept them the same as the index so 1 2 3 4 5 etc... After that, I did do something a little confusing, I made an 8 character variable where the location inside the 8 digit chunk could be referred to as either alphabetical or numerical values. So, the position inside the 8bit chunk would either be referred to as: 1st Character: 1 or A 2nd Character 2 or B 3rd Character 3 or C and so on... Finally you get left with this: Spoiler I know what you want. You can't play mind games with me... // FRAGMENT 1/7 [RECORDED VERBATIM AND INTERPRETED POST-CATACLYSM] L: Categ orizatio n has sp ed since the imp rovement s were a nnounced , but th ere are many hur dles. Th e indexi ng of se ntient s pecies m ay have irrevers ible eff ects on the surv iving in sentient (37)species . We wil l have e xtinctio n events and irr eparable environ mental h arm on a t least 18 world s. Curre nt proje ctions e stimate post-arc hival ca taclysm on as ma ny as 31 worlds. The pau city of sentienc e has be en a ble ssing in this re gard. D : How fo rmal you are, Li brarian. We're receivin g shipme nts of i ndexed b eings m ore frequ ently th an commu nication s. Don't compoun d scarci ty (K)with brevity.(US) I know t hings be yond the [Magino t] (37)line are harr ied. But I worry about y ou. I've (7660)asked y ou time and time again. Abandon your cat aloging. Come ba ck insid e, where my flee ts can k eep you safe. C ome h...(JPG) [noparse]http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/7660/didact.jpg[/noparse]
You are entirely correct, sir. In fact, I'm going to go delete the map preview right now, as well as every thread and post relative to it in the first place. This way no one, wether it be you or Reflex, will mistake it for and advertisement of a future map that will probably suck because I am such a low rank and the only way I can garner any attention in the first place is by spamming links to it all over the place.
Glad I just waited for a picture to be posted. I would have never figured out that code in a million years and in the end, it wouldn't have been worth it anyways. Honestly, after all that, it would have taken a lot more to wow me- the code was more impressive than the picture IMO. Not sure I like the bottom pieces of the door jut out like that, but like everyone else has been saying, the walls are pretty cool.
You said " Glad I just waited for a picture to be posted." Where was it posted at? I don't see it. I don't think spending my own time on a code just to get a picture of a Reach map is worth it, which is why I'm perfectly fine just waiting for the release. Although if there is a picture released, I wouldn't mind taking a look.
Yay, cryptography win! Although I feel pretty stupid for not just guessing the url in the first place... obvious filename is pretty obvious. Oh well, kept me entertained for an evening, so all is good.
I was not able to crack the code, but me definitely gusta those walls. I've used something kind of like that with floors on one of my test maps.